2、上上下下 up and down /uphill and downhill
3、征求意見 take advice
4、以做…為主 mainly / mostly
5、擅長幹… be good at /be expert in / specialize in
6、交通燈 traffic light
7、發展成 be developed to / bloom into / be evolved into
8、參加 take part in /join in
9、依次 in correct order /one by one
10、聚集 assembly /gather /get together
11、設法 try as possible as you can /try your best /try to do sth.
12、排隊等候 queue up / chow line
13、與…不同 be different with
14、四處走動 go around
15、挑選 pick off /pick out /choose of
16、為…所不熟悉 be unfamilar with
17、賣弄 show-off / cut around
18、在空中 in the air
19、那樣的話 if so
20、非常健康 excellent health/ in a good condition /strong body
21、虧損 loss money
22、白紙黑字 in black and white
23、引起…人註意 absorb one's attention / draw one's attention
24、與…握手 shake hands with sb.
25、喜歡做 like doing sth. / be fond of doing sth.
26、大部分 mostly /a majority of / the great mass of
27、在…小心照看下 under the carefulness of sb
28、打開 open
29、減少 reduce / to lower / to decrease
30、十分妒忌 envy /be green with envy