古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 考研復試英語面試常見問題及回答




Sample Traditional Interview Questions

What can you tell me about yourself?(關於妳自己,妳能告訴我些什麽?)參考:這壹問題如果面試沒有安排自我介紹的話。這是壹個必的問題。考官並不希望妳記流水賬壹般說妳的生平,他是在尋找有關妳性格、學習能力、誌的索,來判斷妳是否適合讀研或者某個專業。

口語:I read a variety of books, including scientific fiction, autobiography, which enrich my experience and history. Although I read a lot of books, I never employed them into learning,so I will do my best to put them into practice.

What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在畢業以後 5 年內妳想做些什麽?)參考:如果我能就讀XXX,那麽我的主要精力就是用於科研學習當中。首先根據導師的項目需求,通過檢索大量文獻,尋找值得深入研究的方向,然後制定科研學習計劃,腳踏實地地完成每項工作,爭取在畢業時取得較好的科研成果。

口語:If I can study at XXX, my main focus is on research and study. First, according to the project needs of the tutor, I will look for the study direction of the project by searching a large number of documents. Then I will make a scientific research program to try my best to finish any work, and strive to achieve good results in graduation.


Sample Behavioral Interview Questions

Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member.參考:壹般問這個問題的目的是,通過妳的回答檢查這個人的價值觀和穩定性,以及壹些其他的秉性,因為妳怎麽看妳認為差的團隊和妳認為好的團隊就看出了妳是怎麽看別人的。這種問題要謹慎,否則會暴露妳的壹些缺陷。

口語:The best team I have ever stayed in was the social-practice team during the summer of my sophomore year. All members have a common goal and execute effectively.

Tell me about a time when your course pressure was the hugest. How did you get all of your work done?參考:想辦法把壓力從源頭去掉,擔心什麽就去做什麽,不要帶著踹踹不安的心理去休息。比如擔心考試不好,那就去學習,去臨時抱佛腳。擔心被人指責,就主動面對錯誤。以此類推。

口語:I found a way to remove the pressure from its source, did whatever I worried about, and didn't rest with the anxiety. Those who are worried that the results will not be good should study immediately. Fearful of being blamed, he should take the initiative to face mistakes.


Sample Stress Interview Questions

What are some of the things you find difficult to do?參考:因為自己知識水平不夠而不能完美完成老師給的任務。口語:When I cannot complete the task given by the teacher perfectly because of insufficient knowledge.

How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?參考:評價面試官盡量要客觀,不要過度吹捧,當然也不要把貶低對方,最好提前了解。我們以前沒見過面,但我可以給妳壹些我的總體印象,就是專業,理解,對學生非常嚴格。我認為做您的學生會很幸運。

口語:Well, we haven’t met before, but I can give you some of my general impressions, which is professional, understanding, and very strict with your students. I think students of yours can be very lucky.