古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 新概念英語第二冊課本練習題答案





答案很全 解析也很到位

Lesson 17

練習答案 Key to written exercises


A She must be(1.1); Jennifer will have to take(1.3); she must appear(1.4); she had to wear(11.5-6); it must be terrible(11.7-8)

C 1 You must/will have to see a doctor.

2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise?

3 She said we must/had to/would have to stay here.

4 I must/have to have some help.

8 I've had to go out last night.


A 1 in the position of 2 because 3 At the time when

B 1 grow 2 suit 3 costume 4 dress


1. d根據課文第1-2行She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite ofthis , she often appears on the stage as a young girl, 只有d. She istoo old to appear on a stage as a young girl是課文所暗示的情況,而其他3個選擇都與課文內容不符。

2. b課文第1行有She must be at least thirty-five yearsold(她至少也有35歲了),這只是個推測,並沒有告訴讀者她的確切年齡有多大,因此a. We know exactly how oldJennifer is 與課文內容不符; c. Jennifer is thirty-five years old也與課文內容不符,因為課文中沒有明確較大她確切的年齡是35歲; d. Jennifer is over thirty-fiveyears old 也不夠準確,因為作者推測她至少有35歲,可能超過35歲,也可能正好35歲;只有b. We do not knowexactly how old Jennifer is 是正確的。

3. b這個句子是對前壹句作出肯定的陳述,只有b. is 才是最合乎題目意思和語法的:In my opinion she is (atleast thirty-five years old.) 而 a. has 後面不能跟年齡,因此不符合語法;c. can是情態助動詞,意思是“能,可以”,不符合題目意思;d. must是情態助動詞,可以用來表示推測,但在後壹句話中應明確表示個人的看法,而不是眾人的推斷,所以b是正確答案。

4. d從後壹句的回答中可以看出,前壹個疑問句應針對年齡提問,因此只有d. How old 是正確答案。

5. c介詞in 有時可以用來表示穿什麽服裝或穿什麽顏色的衣服,這句話只有c. in 意思才正確。其他3個都不符合語法。

6. c只有c. has to do 與前壹句的must 意思相同又符合第3人稱單數she 的要求.因此只有選c. has to do. 而b.

have to do 不能用於第3人稱單數, a. has done , d. had done 都不符合題目意思.

7. bbe necessary for sb. to do sth. 等於 sb. must/have to do sth., 只有 b.

necessary 才能使這壹句同前壹句的意思相同,而其他3個選擇都不符合題目意思。

8. aa. is presented 有參加演出的意思,只有選a. is presented 才能使這句話同前壹句She oftenappears as a young girl(她常扮演小姑娘)的意思相吻合。

而b. points (指出,)詞意思不符。

c. shows(展示,表現)常做及物動詞d. seems (似乎是,好像)詞意思不對。

因此a.是正確答案 。

9. ab. game(遊戲,比賽),c. toy(玩具),d. match(比賽)這3個都不符合題目意思,只有a.


10. c前面的句子Jennifer will take part in the play的意思是“Jennifer要參加這個劇的演出”而不是參與寫作或創作這個劇本,因此不能選a. will write 和d. willproduce,而b. won't be in 與題目意思相反。只有c. will be in 最符合題目意思。


