古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 露出的英文




1、By offering cheap and convenient care they?expose?the costly incumbents of health-care delivery.通過提供方便廉價的醫療服務,他們將目前昂貴的醫療保健曝光在眾人眼前。

2、If you?expose?your skin to too much sunlight, you will get sunburned.如果妳過於曝曬在陽光下的話,就會曬傷。

3、If timber poles are used, the bark can be peeled off the tops to?expose?the light colored sapwood.如用圓木桿,可削去頂端樹皮,露出木質部的明亮色澤。

4、She threatened to publicly?expose?his double life if he left her.她威脅說,要是他離開她的話,就將他的雙重生活公之於眾。

5、To?expose?to the circulation of air for purification.使通氣使通氣,使暴露於空氣流通中以凈化。

6、Rich server functionality using Blaze DS to?expose?OSGi services as remote objects.豐富的服務器功能,使用BlazeDS發布OSGi服務為遠程對象。

7、If you?expose?your skin to too much sun, you will get sunburned.如果妳過度曝曬在陽光下的話就會曬傷。

8、To?expose?oneself to pleasant warmth.享受溫暖與陽光,曬太陽處在舒適的溫暖中。