古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 酒店管理系統論文


小型酒店管理系統的設計包括論文,設計,論文字數:10077,頁數:29摘 要


小型酒店管理系統功能全面,性能穩定,界面美觀簡潔,易於操作。基本包含了酒店主要業務功能,其分為基礎設置、業務管理、房間管理三大部分。基礎設置中有客房類型設置、客房信息設置功能;業務管理包含預定管理、入住管理、消費記帳和收銀退房功能;房間管理可以根據實際需要設置和及時更新房間狀態。系統采用C/S模式,運用VB.NET語言開發技術和SQL SERVER 2000數據庫原理開發的。在Windows XP/NT/2003等常用操作系統下運行穩定,可靠。該系統的合理運用能提高酒店客房管理效率,降低運營成本。

本文簡要介紹了基於Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000數據庫系統和VB.NET程序語言開發實現的酒店管理系統,著重闡述了該系統開發實現過程,從系統的需求分析、方案論證、模塊設計、數據設計、詳細設計等各個環節都進行了較為詳盡的分析和描述。關鍵詞:酒店管理系統;SQL SERVER 2000;數據庫;VB.NET

The design of the Small Hotel Management System


As the competition getting more force in the hotel industry, the fight for the customers among the hotels is becoming more and more severe, the hotel uses brand new computer management system. This will become one of the important methods for increasing the management efficiency of the hotel management, improving the service level.

The small hotel management system has some excellence, like operating stably, user interfacing simple and attractive, easy to use. Basically including hotel's major business functions. It is divided into basic in fracture, business management, hotel room management, three major groups. There is guest room type configuration and guest room information configuration functions in the basic in fracture portion; the business management portion includes booking management, check-in management, consumption bookkeeping, and check-out pay bill functions; hotel room management may configuration based on the real requirement and changes the room states in real time. The system is developed by using C/S model, using VB.NET language development technology, and SQL server 2000 database. It is operating stably under Windows XP/NT/2003, and has high reliability. This proper use of this system could increase the management efficiency of the hotel, decrease operating cost.

This paper will introduce a database systems based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and developed and realized hotel management system using VB.NET programming language. It emphasized the developing process of this system, through a rather detailed analyzing and describing on the various steps of the requirement of the system analysis, solution analysis, module design, data structure design, to system testing.Key words: Hotel management system;SQL SERVER 2000;Data base;VB.NET目 錄

1 引言 1

1.1 課題背景 1

1.2 國內外研究現狀 1

1.3 本課題研究的意義 2

2 相關的理論基礎 2

2.1 開發環境 2

2.2.1 C/S模式簡介 2

2.2.2 .NET介紹 3

2.2.3 VB.NET介紹 3

2.2 編程運行環境 4

2.2.1 硬件環境 4

2.2.2 軟件環境 4

3 設計方案介紹 4

3.1 系統功能模塊設置 4

3.1.1 基礎設置 4

3.1.2 業務管理 4

3.1.3 房間管理 5

3.2 數據庫設計 5

3.2.1數據庫設計思想 5

3.2.2酒店管理系統E-R圖 10

4 具體模塊設計 11

4.1 系統主要功能模塊的實現及部分代碼 11

4.1客房信息設置 11

4.2 預定管理功能 15

4.3 入住管理功能 16

4.4 房間管理 18

4.5 退出系統 21

結 論 21

參考文獻 22

致 謝 23

聲 明 24

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