1、信頭(Heading) 信頭包括寫信人地址和寫信日期,通常寫在信箋的右上角。
2、稱呼(Salutation) 稱呼指寫信人對收信人的稱呼,如Dear Xiaojun,寫在信頭的下方和信箋的左邊。
3、 正文(Body) 這是書信的主體部分,即寫信人要表達的內容。正文要求文字通順,層次分明,表意清楚。
4、結束語(Complimentary Close) 它是書信結尾的恭維話,相當於文中書信最後的“祝好”、“致禮”之類的話語。
5、簽名(Signature) 簽名通常簽在結束語下方的中間偏右的位置。
Dear xxx,Long time no see. How are you doing lately?I'm writing to tell you that I was admitted to a key university. It is my dream for many years, and finally my efforts paid off. I'm so happy that I'd like to share my happiness with you.?
I know you still have one year to go before attending the college entrance examination. I'd like to give you some suggestions that may help you. In the first place, don't be panicked. Moreover, making good preparations is important to your suceess in the examination. Last, keep a normal heart.?
So, wish you good luck. I will be wating for your good news.