1.1 什麽是祈使句(imperative)?
祈使句 ,就是說話者用於發起壹個命令(command)或者指令(instruction),或者發出請求(make a request),或者提供建議(advice)的句子。
“Go!” “Come here!” “Do me a favor.” “What?” “Who? ”“Who should do these things? ”
這些句子似乎僅由謂語短語組成!主語在那兒呢?實際上,它們隱藏了主語(或者說隱含了主語),也指可以理解的主語(an understood subject)。如果妳將主語補充完整,就很好理解了,例如:
(1) (You) go!
(2) (You) come here!
(3) (You) do me a favor.
(4) (You) please join us for dinner. (邀請式)
(5) (You) come out with us tonight. (邀請式)
(6) (You) stop feeding the dog from the table. (請求或命令式)
(7) (You) choose the Irish wolfhound, not the German shepherd. (建議式)
(8) Wear your gold necklace with that dress. (建議式)
1.3.1 命令式祈使句的主語可以理解成“you”,例如:
(1) (You) tidy your room! 整理好妳的房間!
(2) (You) please tidy your room. 請妳整理壹下房間。
(3) (You) shut up! 妳閉嘴。
(4) (You ) please keep the noise down. 小聲點。
(5) (You ) consider the lily. 考慮壹下百合花。
1.3.2 偶爾在非正式口語中,也可以將祈使句的主語理解為“I”,例如:
(1) “Hope you feel better!”
這兒的主語應該理解成“I”,即“(I) hope you feel better!”
(2) “Best wishes.”
可理解為“(I have) best wishes (in my heart for you).” 或 “(I am sending you my) best wishes.”
(3) “Hope that helps.”
可理解為“(I) hope that helps (for you).”
(4) Have a good trip.(表示願望。)
可理解為“(I wish you) have a good trip.”
(1)? Everybody ?look!
(2) Relax,? everybody .
(3)? Nobody ?move!
(4)? John ?sit down; the rest of you go home.
(5)? Somebody ?answer the phone!
1.4.1 強迫式的命令式祈使句使用感嘆號(Exclamation Mark)結尾,例如:
(1) (You ) get out! 妳滾出去!
(2) (You) watch your mouth, young man! 年輕人,註意妳的言辭!
(3) (You) go, and never darken my towels again! (Comedian Groucho Marx)
(1) I came first, Lee! 李,我第壹個趕到這兒!
(2) Shut up!
(這個句子也可能是壹個祈使句,但是,這種方式也用於表達“決於,壹點也不”(“no way”)的含義。這種情況時,是用於表達驚奇的感嘆句。應該根據上下文來判斷,是否說話人是表示事業意,還是表示驚呀。)
1.4.1 禮貌或紳士的命令式祈使句使用句號(period或full stop)結尾,例如:
(1) (You) pass the pepper. 把這個胡椒粉給我遞壹下。
(2) (You) don't forget to feed the pony. 別忘了餵馬。
(3) If you've heard this story before, (you) don't stop me, because I'd like to hear it again. (Groucho Marx)
(4) A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. (Groucho Marx)
1.4.3 建議的命令式祈使句使用句號結尾,例如:
(1) (You) don't count the days. Make the days count. (Boxer Muhammad Ali)
(2) (You) do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. (Philosopher Dandemis)
2. 感嘆句分析。
2.1 什麽是感嘆句(imperative)?
(1) It is too dangerous to climb that mountain!
(2) I got an A on my book report!
(3) I got the concert tickets!
(4)?Ugh! Why are you yelling at me? (感嘆詞“Ugh”後面接感嘆號,表達強調。)
(5) I'm not!
(6) Hey! What a brilliant idea that is! (感嘆詞“Hey”後面接感嘆號,表達強調。)
(7) Oh, how I wish I were there now!(感嘆詞“oh”後面接逗號,表達溫和。)
(8) Wow! What a cool car you've got!(感嘆詞“Wow”後面接感嘆號,表達強調。)
2.2 感嘆句的句子成分。
感嘆句常以 what,how,so,such, 等詞引導,感嘆句的引導詞可以看成是句子其它成分的修飾語 。 例如 :
(1) What a great question that is!
補語:“a great question”,“what”是“a great question”的修飾語。
(2) Oh Granny, what big teeth you have!
句子附加成分:“Oh Granny”
補語:“big teeth”,“what”是“big teeth”的修飾語。
(3) How bright they've grown in the sunlight!
主語 :“ they ”。
謂語:“have grown”。
謂語修飾語(或者謂語補語):“How bright”,“how”是bright的修飾語,“how”是程度副詞,修飾形容詞“bright”。
“in the sunlight”副詞短語,謂語補語修飾語。
(4) That birthday cake was so good!
(5) Sheldon's gift was so amazing!
(6) Eugh, that bug is so ugly!
(7) I’m so mad right now!
(8) He's such a kind soul!
(9) That's such a gorgeous ring!
(9) Your puppy is such a cutie!
(10) You’re such a liar!
2.3 感嘆句的簡寫格式。
(1) What a brilliant idea!----------------------What a brilliant idea that is!
(2) What a cool car! ------------------------What a cool car you've got!
(3) How lovely!---------------------------------How lovely those flowers are!