(1) Specifically tell the examiner one skill or ability that you believe a student should have(cooking, being team-spirited, being organized)
(2) Ideally state 2 reasons why you believe this skill/ability is important.
(1) Cooking
1) Very expensive to live in a foreign country. Cheaper and more nutritionally balanced if one cooks his/her own food
2) A great way to make new friends. Invite friends over to have dinner
3) Cultural experiences. Bringing the hometown cuisine to a different country.
(2) Being organized
1) Get to class on time (better grades). Get room organized (avoid conflicts with roommates)
2)Many people stay up/pull all-nighters because of procrastination. Bad for health. Being organized would avoid this problem.
(1) I believe cooking is an important skill for a student to have.
(2) There are a couple of reasons to name.
(3) First, …
(4) Second, ...