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Sing Cara OK, this is a big problem. The British government should carefully study the expert Cara OK song song study also found, England millions of adults reading bad, no way to fluidly sing Cara OK screen automatically hit the pop song lyrics. The government's literacy experts on the ten most popular Cara OK lyrics make assessment.

They think, can successfully sang Robbie William Angels have general certificate of secondary education ( GCSE ) five Division qualified level. Experts say, 17800000 adults cannot follow the lyrics to sing this song. ) estimates of these adults are not reached second grade reading level.

They may also be difficult to set up a family budget or comparing products and services. Those without first reading abilities in 5200000 adults face the music movie" grease" ( Grease ) the song Summer Lovin; Suspicious Minds Elvis Presley and Abba Dancing Queen will feel annoyed. Without this ability may not understand the content of the payroll, or no way to accurately understand the bus and train timetables. Skills ministry official said:" although we from the inside to the outside can understand these tones, but only the appropriate reading these words before we understand love is how complex."

He said:" the public singing is not easy, but when you pick up the sound tube, you will not want to because reading ability and can't sing."

He says, want to be Elvis Presley second, or Olivia John ( Olivia Newton-John ) Newtonian - feel read lyrics difficult people should be in the new year to improve their level of.

The British government offers hundreds of free courses, let people to improve their literacy, linguistic and numerical ability.