1.good moring,doctor.早上好,醫生。2.good moring what's the mather with you?早上好。請問有什麽事麽?3.i've got a headache and a cough,i'm afraid i'll be dead.我頭疼、咳嗽。我害怕我會死掉。4.don't worry.it's nothing serious.have you taken temperature?不要擔心,沒有什麽嚴重的,妳測過體溫麽?5.no, i haven't but i haven't got a fever.不,我沒有,但我沒有發燒。6.when does you feel unwell?妳是什麽時候感覺不舒服的?7.ever since last night oper you mouth ,從昨天晚上開始的,------? 8.what's worry with you ? you don't look well,mary.妳怎麽了?妳看起來不是很好,瑪麗。9.i have a bad cold.我得了嚴重的感冒。10.sorry to hear that 。 have you seen the doctor?很不幸聽到這個消息。妳去看醫生了麽?11.yes, i have, he told me to take some medicine and stay at home for a dew days.是的,我去了,他告訴我吃壹些藥,然後在家休息幾天。12.but why are you here at school?the doctor is right.you need some rest.但是妳為什麽會出現在學校?醫生說得對,妳需要休息。13.i'm a feiend i'll miss too many of my lessons.我擔心我會誤很多課。14.don't worry.take care of yourself 。 i can help you when you are well again。不要擔心,好好照顧自己。妳好起來我會幫妳補的。15.that's very kind of you.那太感謝妳了!