古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 哪位高手幫忙翻譯壹下? 《社交網絡》投資5000萬美元,由傑西?艾森伯格和賈斯汀?丁伯萊克主演

哪位高手幫忙翻譯壹下? 《社交網絡》投資5000萬美元,由傑西?艾森伯格和賈斯汀?丁伯萊克主演

The social network "investment $50 million, by Jesse, eisenberg and Justin, starring DingBo lake. Film according to Ben wheat this richie (Ben Mezrich)'s novel The accident billionaire: Facebook created, a about Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal story (" The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Tale of Sex, a Facebook Genius and Betrayal, Money to, ") adapted, tells The Facebook founder mark, zack berg and eduardo haute-savoie Lin, The hair of family history.

2003 autumn a night, at harvard's department of psychology student mark, zack sulzberger (Jessie, eisenberg).shebeginstofall in front of his computer sat down and began to very enthusiastic conception of one new idea: for the former rejected Microsoft 1000000 work and committed to college for little genius and there is nothing better than his moment of brain plan more exciting: mark to be a include global all his website, to everyone in the above work, study and entertainment, making friends... His roommate, Edward, sarven (Andrew Garfield diggs) although think the mark ideas too crazy and unrealistic, but given before the invasion of the school network mark hacker behavior "great", Edward finally decided and mark together, design this extremely large web sites.