古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 英文收入證明怎麽寫?


Statement of Employment and Income

This is to certify that Mr.XXX has been employed by XXX(公司) from 某月 某年to present and the period of his contract is ten year. At present he works as XXX(職務).

The detail of XXX's income are listed as follow(Unit: RMB/Yuan):

Monthly Salary XXX.

Annual Salary XXX

Annual Bonus XXX

Total Annual Income XXX

The personal income tax is deducted by this unit on his behalf.

This is to certify the authenticity of all listed above.

Certifier (signature):

RiYueXing Construction Design&Decoration(FuJian) Co.Ltd




(salary指公職人員、職員等拿按年、按月或按周計算的“年薪”、“月薪”或“周薪”; 工人等拿的“工資”叫做 wages, 壹般按日、按時或按件計算)