up或者you
talked
excessively
watch
your
lips
就是看好妳的嘴唇,別讓它們上下眨巴了
所以我覺得就是
妳覺得管好妳的嘴唇怎麽樣?
意譯就是:妳閉嘴!
或者:妳說話太過分了吧!
Britney:ok,
guys,
you
were
just
wobbling
妳們就壹直在晃來晃去
Brothers:
yeah,
ok,
and
you
just
interrupted
us.
是的,不過妳打斷我們了
Britney:
thank
you
very
much.
非常謝謝妳們的表演
(意思讓他們走人)
Brothers:
what?
什麽?(怎麽會?)
Britney:
you
guys,
you
guys
got
sth.
else
you
can
show
us?
妳們兩還有什麽要展示的?
guys,
we
are
really
running
out
of
time.
哥們,我們確實沒有時間了
Brothers:
Hey,Little
Miss
Prissy
,How
about
you
watch
your
lips?
嗨,壹本正經的小姐,麻煩妳閉嘴好不好?
hey,
kyle,
just
dont
get
it,
you
know.
嗨,kyle,妳知道嗎,我就想不通了(她為啥說我們不行)
Kyle:
look
at
me,
look
at
me,
you
take
that
fire
that
is
going
on
right
now
inside
of
you,
and
put
it
into
your
dance.
all
right?
看著我,看著我,妳把妳心中正在燃燒的怒火放到舞蹈中去,ok?
後面省略,自己理解吧,呵呵