要結合自己發言的實際內容,靈活使用哦!希望夥伴都越來越自信!加油go go go
"I'd like to welcome everyone."
"Since everyone is here, let's get started."
"I'd like to thank everyone for comingtoday"
"I'm (name), I'll keep this meeting brief as lknow you are all busy.
I'm (name) and I arranged this meetingbecause...
"Let's go around the table and introduceourselves, anyone wants to get start?"
"Let's introduce ourselves quickly-pleasestate your name, job title and why are youhere"
"Thank you for getting here on time.Today we're here to discuss…”
"We're here to discuss the progress on..(project name)
"Due to issues identified in (project name),we're here to come up with a quickresolution.
"We're going to run through the mainpoints of the agenda”
“The presentation will cover these topics”
"Sorry, just to clarify that…"
"Sorry I didn't quite hear that, can you sayit again?"
"That's an excellent perspective Peter,could you please talk about more details?
"Can you repeat that please?"
"Can you run that by me one more time?"
"I don't fully understand what you mean.Could you please explain it morespecifically?
"Just to be clear, do you mean..?
"Are there any more comments?"(適合會議主持人)
"Can we come back to that point later?Let me just finish what I was saying"
"Can l just finish making my point?"
Excuse me for being late, as I was..”
Sorry for not getting here on time, as Iwas…"
Excuse me, unfortunately I have to leaveearly. I need to …”
"I've got to shoot off, as I've gotoverlapping meetings"
"Sorry I'm going to have to leave now,coz…"
"I understand that we can't do that, butcan we discuss some other alternatives?"
"I agree with what you are saying,however you consider (other ways)
"How about this as an alternative,…."
"I'd like to set up a meeting with you atyour earliest convenience. When are youfree?"
"I'd love to continue this conversation at asecond meeting, when are you next free?"
"We haven't covered everything weneeded to, shall we set up anothermeeting?”
"To summarize then, let me just runthrough what we've agreed here."
“Before we end, let me just summarize themain points.….”
“To sum up what I've presented..”
"That brings me to the end of mypresentation, thank you for listening."