古詩詞大全網 - 團隊口號 - cry怎麽讀






v.(動詞)vt. & vi. 哭 shed (tears)vt. & vi. 喊,叫 call outvt. 叫賣; 大聲報道; 哭著說 make known publicly by shoutingn.(名詞)[C]哭,哭聲 weeping; a sound of weeping[C]叫喊,叫聲 loud sound[C]要求; 呼籲 an urgent appeal三、詞典解釋


When youcry, tears come from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt.

e.g. I hung up the phone and started tocry...


e.g. Please don'tcry...



She had been unable to sleep for three days because of her 13-week-old son's crying.


If youcry something, you shout it or say it loudly.

e.g. 'Nancy Drew,' she cried, 'you're under arrest!'...


e.g. I cried: 'It's wonderful news!'



Acry is a loud, high sound that you make when you feel a strong emotion such as fear, pain, or pleasure.

e.g. Acry of horror broke from me...


e.g. Her brother gave acry of recognition...



Acry is a shouted word or phrase, usually one that is intended to attract someone's attention.


e.g. Thousands of Ukrainians burst into cries of 'bravo' on the steps of the parliament...


e.g. Passers-by heard his cries for help.



You can refer to a public protest about something or an appeal for something as acry of some kind.

e.g. There have been cries of outrage about this expenditure...


e.g. Many other countries have turned a deaf ear to their cries for help.



A bird's or animal'scry is the loud, high sound that it makes.

e.g. ...thecry of a seagull.


7. see also: crying


Something that isa far cry from something else is very different from it.

e.g. Their lives are a farcry from his own poor childhood.



When someone isin full cry, they are expressing their views very strongly or are very active.

e.g. The main opposition party is already in fullcry over this mishandling of security.



You use the expressionfor crying out loud in order to show that you are annoyed or impatient, or to add force to a question or request.

e.g. I mean, what's he ever done in his life, for crying out loud?


11. tocry your eyes out -> see eye

a shoulder tocry on -> see shoulder

相關詞組:cry offcry outcry out for


She cried with grief when she heard news of her friend's death.


She began to cry in the face of failure.


He cried that he had found the key.


The girl in the river is crying for help.


The public raised a great hue and cry about tax hikes.


Very soon he heard a raven cry outside.


Her feelings were relieved by a good cry.


She has a long cry when her favorite doll is broken.


He heard a cry for help, and he rushed out of the office.


A feeble cry came from the next room.



用作動詞(v.)用作不及物動詞S+~(+A)He cried.

他哭了。A baby can cry as soon as he is born.

嬰兒生下來就會哭。He cried because he had hurt his leg.

他因腳受傷而哭泣。It was a very sad film; it made me cry.

那是壹部很感人的影片,催人淚下。She was crying because she had lost all the money.

她在痛哭,因為她失去了所有的錢。Stop crying and wipe off your tears.

不要哭,拭去妳的眼淚。When they heard of his death, they couldn't help crying.

他們聽到他犧牲的消息時,都禁不住哭了起來。用作及物動詞S+~+ n./pron.She cried hot tears upon the book.

她哭得熱淚都滴到書上了。She wanted to cry her grief and anger all away.

她要把悲憤在痛哭中宣泄出來。She cried herself to sleep.

她哭著睡著了。He cried her name in vain.

他徒勞地叫著她的名字。She cried the news all over the town.

她在鎮上到處嚷嚷著這個消息。Peddlers cried their wares in the streets.

小販們沿街叫賣貨物。S+~+that-clauseHe cried that he had found the key.

他大聲地叫喊找到了鑰匙。引出直接引語The drowning man cried “help!”

那落水的人高喊“救命!”。The sentry cried “Halt” as he saw us.

哨兵看到我們時,大呼“站住”。“Run!Run!”cried the girl.

“跑啊!跑啊!”那女孩子叫道。“Be careful!”she cried.

她叫道:“小心點!”用作賓補動詞S+~+ n./pron.+adj.She cried herself blind.

她把眼睛都哭瞎了。He cried himself hoarse.

他把嗓子都哭啞了。The little boy cried himself sick.

那個小男孩都哭出病來了。用作名詞(n.)I want a good cry.

我真想痛哭壹場。She had a cry about the sad news.

聽到這個不幸的消息,她大哭了壹場。Birds weave their joyous cries into a kind of song without words.

鳥兒的囀鳴交織成壹首無言的歌。The tiger in the cage gave a thrill cry.

關在籠子裏的老虎發出了令人毛骨悚然的吼聲。When she found the burglar behind the door she raised a hysterical cry.

她看見門背後有竊賊,便發出歇斯底裏的叫聲。With all the new work that comes up, the general cry is that they are short of hands.

由於有了新的工作,大家都嚷著人手不夠。I miss the old street cries of London.

我想念倫敦舊街的叫賣聲。He came rushing at my cry.

聽到我的呼叫聲,他立即奔了過去。The child was alarmed at the cry of the donkey.

那孩子因聽見驢叫而驚恐。They heard a cry for help.

他們聽到呼救聲。There were angry cries from the mob.

暴徒在怒喊。It sounded like the cry of a woman in pain.

這聲音好像壹個婦女在痛苦的叫喊。He uttered a cry of triumph when he found the treasure.

他找到寶藏時發出勝利的歡呼。There was a cry of fire.

有火災的呼聲。With a cry of dismay, he darted back into the cabin and closed the door.

他驚惶地叫了壹聲,趕緊回到艙室裏,把門關上。With a cry she dashed out.

她大叫壹聲沖了出去。Consumers' cries for Sunday opening were very strong.

顧客要求星期天營業的呼聲很高。At the meeting, the parents were in full cry, demanding further government spending on schools.


用作動詞 (v.)~+名詞cry bitter tears痛哭流涕cry halt命令停止cry halves要求平分cry hot tears哭得熱淚滿面cry one's grief and anger把悲憤在痛哭中宣泄出來cry one's name大喊某人的名字cry one's wares叫賣貨物cry quarter求免壹死cry quits互無勝負,同意罷休cry the news高聲傳報新聞cry uncle認輸,放棄cry wolf謊報軍情,作虛假的警報~+副詞cry bitterly痛苦地大叫cry contemptuously傲慢地大喊cry dishearteningly沮喪地哭cry drunkenly醉酒引起地哭喊cry earnestly認真地叫喊cry energetically充滿活力地叫喊cry enthusiastically熱情地叫喊cry haughtily傲慢地叫喊cry hoarsely嘶啞地哭喊cry indignantly憤怒地大叫cry inspiringly激勵人心地大叫cry jealously妒忌地哭cry loudly大聲地叫喊cry painfully痛苦地大叫cry passionately充滿激情地叫喊cry persistently執意地叫喊cry piercingly尖聲地叫喊cry ringingly響亮地哭cry solemnly嚴肅地大叫cry sternly嚴厲地叫喊cry sympathetically同情地叫喊cry unrestrainedly放縱地大叫cry down貶低cry off不履行(諾言)cry out大叫cry one's eyes〔heart〕 out哭得傷心極了cry up誇耀~+介詞cry out against表示反對cry for因…而哭,哭喊著要,急需cry for company陪哭cry for the moon想入非非cry from公開宣稱,揚言cry on the God求神cry over為…哭泣cry to向(某人)請求或抱怨cry with因…而叫〔哭〕cry with pain痛得哭了起來用作名詞 (n.)動詞+~echo a cry模仿(別人的)喊聲emit a cry發出叫聲flee at a cry躲避叫喊聲give a cry of大聲表示have a cry大哭壹場hear a cry聽到喊聲heed a cry留意叫聲let slip a cry不註意喊出聲lift up a cry高聲叫喊mock a cry學著(別人)哭的樣子加以嘲弄raise a cry大聲哭repeat a cry重復…的要求roar a cry大聲呼喊set up a cry高喊stifle a cry忍住哭泣take up a cry繼續哭utter a cry高喊voice a cry喊出聲want a cry想哭形容詞+~babyish cry孩子氣的哭聲brief cry小哭choking cry哽咽continuous cry不停地哭desolate cry淒涼的哭聲dismal cry淒涼的哭聲drunken cry喝醉酒後的哭叫funeral cry出殯時的哭聲good cry大哭壹場gulping cry吞聲飲泣heartbroken cry令人心碎的哭聲heartsick cry沮喪的哭聲long cry哭了好壹會兒loud cry大哭low cry輕聲哭mournful cry傷心的哭泣passionate cry動情的哭聲peculiar cry古怪的叫聲piteous cry哀憐的哭聲pitiful cry令人憐憫的哭聲prayerful cry虔誠的哭聲rasping cry令人焦躁的哭聲shivering cry令人戰栗的哭聲shrill cry尖聲的哭叫sighing cry悲鳴聲sobbing cry抽泣聲suppressed cry被壓抑的哭泣wailing cry慟哭,悲號wordless cry無言的流淚everlasting cry沒完沒了的哭泣overwhelmed cry壓抑的哭聲ugly cry討厭的哭聲unceasing cry不停的哭聲unending cry沒完沒了的哭barbaric cry野蠻的叫聲boastful cry自負的喊叫bootless cry徒勞的叫聲breathless cry氣喘籲籲的叫喊聲broken cry斷斷續續的叫聲clamorous cry喧鬧的喊聲clangorous cry鏗鏘有力的叫聲clarion cry響亮的叫聲comfortable cry舒服的喊聲contemptuous cry輕蔑的叫喊death-dealing cry垂死的叫喊defiant cry挑釁的叫喊delighted cry高興的叫喊destructive cry毀滅性的叫聲discordant cry不和諧的叫聲distinct cry獨特的叫聲drawling cry拉長聲音的喊叫聲familiar cry耳熟的叫聲fearful cry可怕的叫聲feeble cry無力的叫聲fierce cry令人難以忍受的叫聲fluttering cry不安的叫聲frantic cry發狂似的叫聲frightened cry可怕的叫聲full-mouthed cry大聲的叫喊ghastly cry恐怖的叫聲gladdening cry高興的叫聲groaning cry呻吟聲gurgling cry咯咯叫half-hysterical cry近似歇斯底裏的叫聲half-suppressed cry近似受壓抑的叫喊happy cry幸福的叫聲harsh cry刺耳的叫聲heart-burning cry不平的叫聲high cry尖叫聲hissing cry表示反對的噓聲hoarse cry嘶啞的叫喊聲hurtling cry猛烈碰撞的叫聲joyful cry喜悅的叫喊joyous cry快樂的叫聲mocking cry嘲弄的叫聲naive cry天真的叫聲noisy cry嘈雜的叫聲painful cry痛苦的叫喊聲protesting cry抗議聲provocative cry挑釁的叫喊responsive cry響應的叫聲scattered cry散亂的叫聲sharp cry尖叫聲similar cry同樣的叫聲solemn cry莊重的呼叫sole-shaking cry震撼靈魂的呼聲spiteful cry懷有惡意的叫喊聲sporting cry助威聲strident cry刺耳的叫聲supplicating cry哀求聲terrible cry恐怖的叫聲terrified cry令人恐怖的叫聲triumphant cry成功的歡呼聲warning cry警告welcoming cry歡迎聲wild cry狂野的叫聲wistful cry渴望的叫聲wrathful cry怒吼wrenching cry痛苦的叫聲admiring cry羨慕聲amazed cry驚愕的叫聲angry cry怒叫anguished cry極度痛苦的叫喊answering cry響應聲appealing cry呼籲aspiring cry有骨氣的喊聲avenging cry為…報仇的喊聲earnest cry熱切的呼叫entreating cry哀求聲exulting cry狂喜的呼喊impassioned cry激動的呼喊聲incessant cry持續不斷的呼喊聲incoherent cry語無倫次的叫喊insistent cry引人註意的叫聲inspiring cry鼓舞人心的口號insulting cry侮辱的叫聲odious cry令人作嘔的叫聲ominous cry不吉利的叫聲unanimous cry壹致同意的叫喊聲unearthly cry可怕的叫聲multitudinous cry眾人的要求mutual cry***同的要求plausible cry似乎有理的要求popular cry大眾的呼聲revolutionary cry變革的呼聲supreme cry最重要的呼籲universal cry普遍的要求important cry重要的呼籲importunate cry迫切的需要prevailing cry盛行的口號名詞+~battle cry喊殺聲,戰鬥口號horror cry毛骨悚然的叫聲street cries街上小販的叫賣聲war cry喊殺聲,戰鬥口號介詞+~at cry聽到…的呼聲in full cry吠叫著追獵out of cry在叫聲聽不到的地方with a cry大叫within cry在叫聲聽得到的地方~+介詞cry against反對…的呼聲cry of approval大聲表示贊同cry of despair絕望的叫聲cry of surprise驚叫cry of victory勝利的歡呼七、詞義辨析

v.(動詞)cry for, cry with這兩個短語的含義不盡相同。cry for的意思是“因…而哭(表示原因)”或“為…而哭(表示目的)”; cry with