After the happy summer holiday, the scientist got down to research again.
2smith教授做的關於詩歌的講座給聽眾留下了很深刻的印象(MAKE A ……IMPRESSION ON)
Doctor Smith's lecture about poesy made a deep impression on the audience.
Young people prefer camping to wathing TV at home.
4TOM看了信封壹眼,馬上認出了他父親的簽名(GLANCE AT)
Glancing at the envelop, Tom recognized the signature of his father.
Telephone becomes the most convenient way for people to communicate.
6暴風雪導致了和海上船只的所有聯系中斷(LEAD TO)
Storm leaded to the interruption of the communication with the ships at sea.
If you have any trouble, please turn to me without hesitation.
8妳在街上盯著殘疾人看是不禮貌的(STARE AT)
It is impolite for you to stare at the disabled person on the street.