古詩詞大全網 - 藝術簽名 - QQ英文個性簽名。不要關於愛情 要傷感壹點。

QQ英文個性簽名。不要關於愛情 要傷感壹點。



~Said that the past is the past...... But can't help but to pursue, recall, the wounds of the past...說過,過去了就是過去了……卻忍不住去追尋著,回憶著,傷痕累累的過去……

~Once I do not laugh, but now I cry bite the dust...曾經笑得不可壹世,現在卻哭得壹敗塗地……

~Time will ultimately flush out all still stay in our heart shadow...時間終究會沖掉壹切仍留在我們心上的影子……

~Now back to find the MengMengDongDong childhood really getting more and more far away from me...現在回過頭來才發現,那個懵懵懂懂童年真的離我越來越遠……~The different feel very empty, and in their own world, whether you have lost the happy key...物是人非的感覺很空,蕩蕩的在自己的世界,是否已經丟失了開心的鑰匙……

~The prince and the princess happiness life is just in the fairy tale...王子和公主的幸福生活只是在童話故事裏……

~Smile back, buried too many sad......微笑的背後,埋藏了太多的悲傷……~Memory like fall in the palm of water, whether you spread out or hold, ultimately will drop by drop your fingers by living in flowed clean...記憶像是倒在掌心的水,不論妳攤開還是緊握,終究還是會從指縫中壹滴壹滴流淌幹凈……
