Hey, y’all! (大家好!此問候語常見於美國南部, Y’all是you的壹種復數形式) Howdy(妳好。這是區域性用語,常見於德克薩斯州、俄克拉荷馬州和大平原地區) What’s up? (How are you?——妳好嗎?) That sucks/that’s beat (That is bad——糟透了) Chillin’ (Not doing much, relaxing——沒幹什麽事情,挺輕松的) Hang out (Spend time with someone/relax in a certainplace——與某人***度時光/在某個地方放松休息)
Wicked(真的。這是區域性用語,常見於馬薩諸塞州的波士頓地區——“that party was wicked good!”) Awesome (Great——棒極了) Cool (Nice/great——不錯/好極了) Having a blast (Having a really good time – “I had a blast in my Englishclass”——度過了壹段美好時光)
That’s sick! (That’s really good——真是太棒啦!) Filthy (Seattle slang for good – “You got an A in the paper? That’sfilthy!”——西雅圖俚語“好”)
Sweet (Nice——不錯) You bet! (Yes——是的) To take off (To leave – “We’re taking off now”——離開) See ya! (Goodbye——再見) Laters! (Goodbye——再見)服飾
Pants (Trousers——褲子) Panties (Female underwear——女式內褲)Underpants (Male underwear——男士內褲)
Sweater (Jumper/pullover/jersey——針織套衫/套頭毛衣/毛線衫) Vest (Waistcoat——馬甲) Undershirt (Vest——汗衫) Sneakers (Trainers——運動鞋) Suspenders (Braces——吊帶) Galoshes (Wellington boots——橡膠套鞋) Turtleneck (Polo neck——高領毛衣) Bathing suit (Swimming costume——泳裝) Bath robe (Dressing gown——浴袍) Diaper (Nappy——尿布)食物和飲料
Cotton candy (Candy floss——棉花糖) Candy (Chocolate/sweets——巧克力/糖果) Cookie (Sweet biscuit——甜餅幹) Biscuit (Savoury scone——美味烤餅) Soda (Fizzy drink. Can also be pop or Coke depending on theregion——碳酸飲料,部分地區用來指汽水或可樂)
Chips (Crisps——薯片) Jelly (Jam——果醬) Jell-O (Jelly——果凍) Cilantro (Coriander——香菜) Flapjack (Can mean a pancake——可用來指薄烤餅) Popsicle (Ice lolly——冰棍) Zucchini (Courgette——西葫蘆) Eggplant (Aubergine——茄子) Appetizer (Starter——開胃菜) Take out (Take away food——外賣食物) Get the check (Ask for the bill in a restaurant——在餐館買單)人物、地點和生活方式
Chick (Girl——女生) Dude (Boy——男生) Redneck/hick (A derogatory term for someone who lives in a ruralarea——貶義詞,用來指生活在農村地區的人)
Wheels (A vehicle, usually a car——交通工具,通常指汽車) Parking lot (Place to park cars——停車場) Sidewalk (Pavement——人行道) Soccer (Football——足球) Football (American football——橄欖球) Elevator (Lift——電梯)金錢
A $5 bill can be referred as a ‘fin’, ‘fiver’ or ‘five-spot’.用“fin”、“fiver” 或 “five-spot”來指5美元鈔票
A $10 bill is a ‘Hamilton’ or ‘sawbuck’.用“Hamilton” 或 “sawbuck”來指10美元鈔票
$20 can be a ‘Jackson’ or a ‘dub’.用“Jackson” 或 “dub”來指20美元鈔票
A $1 bill is either a ‘single’, ‘ace’ or ‘buck’.用“single”、“ace” 或 “buck”來指1美元鈔票
A $100 bill is known as a ‘Benjamin’, so called because a portrait ofBenjamin Franklin is on the note.
To refer to $1000 Americans might say ‘a grand’, ‘a K’ (as in kilo) or ‘alarge’.
用“a grand”、“a K”(“kilo”有“千”的意思) 或 “a large”來指1000美元
A nickel is a five cent coin.“Nickel”表示5美分
Dime means a 10 cent coin.“Dime”表示10美分
A quarter is 25 cents.“Quarter”表示25美分
To blow it (To fail – “I didn’t revise for my maths test and I blewit”——搞砸 )
Cram (To study hard before an exam——考前死記硬背) Hit the books (To study——用功學習) Pop quiz (A surprise test——突擊考試) Period (A full stop——到此為止) Pull an all-nighter (To study all night——熬夜通宵) To ace a test (To do well on an exam——考試得高分) Cut class (Deliberately miss your classes——故意曠課) Drop a class (Unenroll from a class——退課) Slack off (Not do much work, being lazy——偷懶) Flunk (Fail——考試不及格) Eraser (Rubber——橡皮) Mail something (Send something in the post——郵寄某物) Freshman 15(The amount of weight a student is said to gain in their firstyear in pounds——指的是大壹新生在第壹年裏體重會增加15磅或更多)
Juiced (Pumped up, ready to go——振奮起來,準備出發) Knocked up (Pregnant——懷孕) Stoked (Excited——興奮的) To be beat (To be tired – “I’m beat from last night’s awesome studentparty”——精疲力盡的——“I’m beat from last night’s awesome student party”)
Having a crush on somebody (To be attracted to somebody – “I have a crushon my roommate”——迷上某人)
To be ripped (To have have a lot of muscle, usually used formen——肌肉發達,通常形容男性)
Loser (An uncool person——老是失敗的人) Ride shotgun (Ride in the front passenger seat of a car——坐在汽車的前排) Dig (To like something/someone – “I really dig your newhaircut”——喜歡某物/某人)
Screw up (To make a mistake——搞砸,弄糟) Shoot the breeze (To talk——閑聊) Take a rain check (Do something at a later time——改期) Jonesing (Craving something – “I’m really jonesing for some candy rightnow”——渴望某物)
Chicken (Coward——膽小鬼)
Bummer! (Something bad has happened——掃興) Swagger/swagga (A confident, stylish attitude; originated fromChicago——神氣十足,大搖大擺,源於芝加哥)
Sketchy (Suspicious——可疑的) Mad (Very ; New York slang – “that test was mad difficult”——非常,紐約俚語)美國獨有的事物
沒有“ground”樓層在美國,用“first floor”或“first
John Hancock如果有人問妳要John Hancock,其實是讓妳簽個名。這個用法源於John Hancock在《獨立宣言》上的簽名,夠大夠醒目。