My
evening
came
among
the
alien
trees
and
spoke
in
a
language
which
my
morning
stars
did
not
know.
我們的欲望將彩虹的七色光借給僅是迷霧和幻想的人生。
Our
desire
lends
the
colours
of
the
rain
bow
to
mere
mists
and
vapours
of
life.
Life's
play
is
swift.Life's
playthings
fall
behind
one
by
one
and
are
forgotten.
人生的遊戲轉眼便結束,人生的玩具壹件件掉在身後隨即被忘卻。
mind
all
logic
is
like
a
knife
all
blade.It
makes
the
hand
bleed
that
uses
it.
滿是理智的頭腦好似壹把遍身鋒刃的刀。它使握著它的手鮮血淋漓。
This
world
is
the
world
of
wild
storms
kept
tame
with
the
mussic
of
beauty.
這世界本事風暴肆虐的世界,卻被美妙的音樂引得風調雨順。
我的心揚起了白帆,借著悠閑的風兒,隨興駛向無名的綠島
My
herat
has
spread
its
sails
to
the
idle
winds
for
the
shadowy
island
of
Anywhere.
明月把清輝撒滿了天空,卻把黑影留給自己。
The
moon
has
her
light
all
over
the
sky,her
dark
spots
to
herself.
妳引領我穿過白日那擁擠的旅途,到達我暮色的孤寂,我期待著穿過這黑夜的靜謐,去體會它的蘊意。
Thou
hasr
led
me
through
my
crowed
travels
of
the
day
to
my
evening's
loneliness.I
wait
for
its
meaning
through
the
stillness
of
the
night.
Feathers
in
the
dust
lying
lazily
content
have
forgotten
their
sky.
羽毛懶散滿足地躺在塵埃裏,卻已忘記了它們的天空。
這些夠用不?不夠還有~