One day a goat started to cross a little bridge. At that very minute, another goat started out from the other side of the bridge. When they saw one another, they knew that one of them would have to go back.
"Go back!?cried the first goat. "Where is no room for you to pass here while I am crossing."
"It is you who must go back!?cried the other goat. "You can start again after I cross over.?The first goat said as he was in the right and would not give way.
"We will see!"cried the other goat, and they started to fight. In another minute, the two goats fell into the water. A man who was fishing saw the fight. He laughed as he pulled the goats out of the water. "You see,?said he.
"When everyone thinks he is right, something always goes wrong!"
當他們看到對方時,他們知道他們中的壹個必須得退回去。 “回去!”第壹只山羊喊道,“我過橋的時候沒有地方讓妳過去。” “是妳必須回去!”另壹只山羊叫道。
“我過去以後妳再開始過。”第壹只羊說。他覺得自己是對的,所以他不肯讓路。 “我們走著瞧!”另壹只山羊喊道,然後他們開始打起來。 很快,兩只羊都掉到了水裏。
壹個正在釣魚的人看到了這場爭鬥。他笑著把山羊從水裏拉了出來。 “妳們看,”他說,“當每個人都覺得自己是正確的時候,就壹定會出事!”
存款 deposit money 取款 withdraw money
信用卡 credit card 存摺 bank kook or pas *** ook
自動取款機 automatic teller machine 驗鈔機banknote tester
假鈔 counterfeit banknote 壹大筆錢 a large sum of money
流通的,傳播著 in circulation 分期付款 inby installments
銀行貸款 a bank loan 利息 interest
年利率 annual interest rate 日利率 daily interest rate
固定利息 fixed interest 不固定利息 variable interest
帳本 an account book 應付/應收帳 an account payable/receivable
未結算/已結算帳目 an open/ a closed account
活期存款帳戶account current 存款戶頭 deposit account
個人存款 personal account 透支帳戶 overdrawn account
過期未支付款 overdue payment
資金積累 accumulation of funds
資金外流 capital outflow
凍結資產 freezing of assets
several ways of paying幾種付錢方式:
付現金 pay cash
寫支票 write checks
用信用卡 use credit cards
在帳單上簽名 sign a name on a bill