第二部,下載CRACKS - SteamFix/3DM EU IV - Krak v1.11.1.rar壓縮包
第三部,DLCs ONLY下載DLC,放到遊戲目錄的DLC文件夾裏
01. Download last version of cracks posted here.
There will be two crack type in .rar
3DM crack - Crack for SinglePlayer and for activating all DLCs (only what DLC you put in dlc folder)
Steamworks Fix-RVTFiX or SteamFix - Crack for SinglePlayer and Multiplayer over Steam, but can't activate alone DLCs
3DM cracked steam_api.dll is flagged as virus - it is not a virus. Give exclusion to antivirus or disable antivirus. Id you don't do that antivirus will delete that file and game will always crash at start.
02. To activate all DLCs we need to crack the game with 3DM crack.
Put 2 files (3DMGAME.ini and steam_api.dll in the game folder)
Don't remember for antivirus
Now start the game and game will generate dlc_signature with all DLC
Now you can leave the game.
03. If you want to play just SinglePlayer then you don't need other part of instruction and second crack
04. To play game Multiplayer via Steam (only with other user who use the same Crack), you need to crack game with SteamFix
Put all 3 files from SteamFix folder in to game folder (REVOLT.dll, REVOLT.ini, steam_api.dll)
Start Steam and go to settings in steam launcher
Go to Downloads tab in settings and then go to Download Region and put to UK - London (this is general area for all our users)
Now Start the game with game .exe. Now game will start normally and with Steam function and all DLCs
先用3dm破解dlc簽名,啟動後破解DLC成功。此時,把REVOLT.dll, REVOLT.ini, steam_api.dll放進遊戲目錄,在steam設置裏把下載區改成UK-London,用game.exe啟動遊戲,鐵人可以正常開啟成就。