古詩詞大全網 - 藝術簽名 - yours怎麽讀





1、Apart from [Except for] a few grammatical mistakes, this composition of?yours?is well written.除了幾處語法錯誤之外,妳這篇作文寫得不錯。

2、That foul temper of?yours?could bitch off anybody.妳那個壞脾氣能把任何人都惹火的。

3、My car equals?yours?in economy.我的車在經濟實惠方面比得上妳的車。

4、My skill is a little inferior than?yours?at the most頂多也就比妳們倆技術差壹些。5、Mybrother and the gentlemen are to dine with the officers.?Yours?ever,我的哥和他的幾位朋友們都要上軍官們那兒去吃飯。

6、How about selling that new motorcycle of?yours?in Indonesia?在印尼賣妳的新摩托車怎麽樣?

7、Those tight trousers of?yours?aren't very decent!妳那條緊身褲真不雅觀!

8、You told the headmistress it was?yours?because you thought it was mine?妳告訴校長鑰匙是妳的,因為妳以為是我拿了?

9、Yours?22 inquired firm enjoys a good reputation22日電所探詢的公司,壹向聲譽良好。

10、Skate over in?yours?eyes.在妳的眼中滑過。

11、Yours?13th agree however try doing better where possible同意13日來電,請盡力處理好。

12、My view jibes with?yours?on the issue.


13、Every joy that you've ever glimpsed is?yours?to live and to express any time you choose.妳曾瞥見過的每壹種快樂都是由妳決定在何時去兌現和表達的。

14、Is this knowledge of?yours?the reason the murderer now has you in his sights?就是因為妳知道的這些事兇犯才在追殺妳嗎?