1992年她為著名吸血鬼電影《驚情四百年》演唱蕩氣回腸的淒美主題曲"Love song for Vampire",歌聲中排山倒海而來的曠古悲情催人淚下,在營造氣氛上更達到了另壹高峰——深邃、孤寂、氣勢磅礴!
除了歌聲之外,Annie不同於其它總是以性感外型示人的女歌手,她反其道而行的中性纖細身材,愈發閃現出知性的光彩和出塵脫俗的美感,同時她也成為許多迷戀骨感身材之時尚擁戴者眼中的不朽絕佳象征。而Annie每次在公眾前露面,都會帶來具強烈視覺效果、讓人驚艷的魅惑造型,黑色皮衣、金屬飾片、鮮艷的翎毛、舞會長袍都是她偏愛的打扮,而她的中性造型更是顯現出無人能及的魅力,她曾經裝扮成David Bowie的模樣並和David Bowie本人同臺演唱,幾可亂真。Annie Lennox向來以改革者、反偶像崇拜者的形象而著稱,這些造型都揭示了在她個性中壹些相對的特質,比較概括的描述就是:Annie擁有混合了男性堅毅、勇敢、理性和女性溫柔、脆弱、感性的獨特人格魅力.
Annie Lennox -- Love song for a vampire
Come into this arms again
And lay your body down
The rhythm of this trembling heart
Is beating like a drum
It beats for you, it bleed for you
It know not how it sound
For it is the drum of drums, it is the song of songs
Once I had the rarest rose
That ever deigned to bloom
Cruel winter chilled the blood
And stole my flower too soon
All loneliness, all hopelessness
To search the end of time
For there is in all the world
No greater love than mine
No other love, no other love, no other love
Not other love, no other love, still falls the rain
(Still for the rain) no other love, no other love
No other love, no other love, no other love
Still falls the night, no other love, no other love
No other love, no other love, no other love
Be mine forever (be mine forever) no other love
No other love, no other love, no other love
No other love
Let me be the only one
To keep you from the cold
Now the floor of heaven is laid
With stars of brightest gold
They shine for all to see
Come into this arms again
And set this spirit free