古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - stare 是什麽意思?怎麽讀?

stare 是什麽意思?怎麽讀?

stare [st] 不及物動詞1 <人> (睜大眼睛) 註視,凝視,瞪眼看(→look A同義字)The sight made me ~.那光景使我瞠目 [驚呆了]It is rude to ~.瞪眼看人是無禮的2 凝視,瞪眼看 [at,on,into]Don't ~ at me like that.別那樣瞪眼看我She ~d on the people around in wonder.她以訝異的眼光看周圍的人He was staring into the distance.他在凝視遠處及物動詞1 a. 凝視,瞪視,盯視<人> He ~d me up and down.他上下打量我b. 瞪眼註視<人><使成…狀態>~ a person into silence瞪視某人使其緘默~ a person out of countenance盯視某人使其局促不安The teacher ~d him down [. (英)out] .老師兩眼盯得他不敢再對視下去2 註視<人> [面孔等] [in]He ~d me in the face.他註視我的面孔stare a person in the face(1) → v.t. 2(2)<事情>出現 [迫在] 眼前; <事實>變得明白 [顯然]Ruin [Death] ~d them in the face.毀滅 [死亡] 迫在他們眼前可數名詞瞪視,凝視give a person a cold ~以冷眼瞪視某人