古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - shed怎麽讀




1、To?shed?or cast off(a bodily covering)脫掉,蛻掉脫掉或蛻掉(身體覆蓋物)

2、The yawp from dry coal?shed?of power plant in zone badly bothers the residents around.位於城區的發電廠幹煤棚產生的噪聲嚴重影響了周圍居民的日常生活,急需采取相應措施進行治理。

3、Trees?shed?their leaves as the winder is coming.隨著冬天的到來,樹落葉了。

4、Recent research have?shed?new light on the cause of the disease.最近的研究結果對該病的病因已有新的了解。

5、Haldon donned a hooded cloak, and Tyrion?shed?his homemade motley for something drab and grey.哈爾頓披上壹件連帽鬥篷,提利昂則脫下他的自制花衫換上單調灰暗的衣物。

6、In their rage, the staff have?shed?all deference and discretion.憤怒之下,職員們已經失去了所有的服從與慎重。

7、The?shed?is neatly screened by a hedge小屋正好被壹道樹籬遮住。

8、A Guy would rather?shed?blood than?shed?tears but that's because he has yet experience sadness.壹個男人也許更容易流血而不是流淚但這是因為他還沒有經歷過痛苦。