古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - proactive中文翻譯




1、Methods on Intrusion-tolerance Oriented Proactive Intrusion Response。面向容忍入侵的先應式入侵響應方法研究與設計。

2、The Design of an Intrusion Detection System Based on Proactive Intrusion-tolerant Technology。壹種基於先應式容忍入侵技術的入侵檢測系統的設計與研究。

3、Enterprises competitive advantages and application of the advanced manufacture modes。企業競爭優勢和先進制造模式的應用。

4、First of all,the teachers should reform their duck-stuffing teaching methods。首先老師應該改進他們填鴨式的教學方法。

5、He first matched the observed data with an empirical expression。他首先用壹個經驗公式來適應觀測數據。

6、Font matching starts with an application constructed pattern。首先應用程序必須提出壹個字型的樣式需求。