古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 農業的英文




1. sustainable agriculture 可持續農業

2. modern agriculture 現代化農業

3. precision agriculture 精準農業

4. intensive agriculture 高效農業

5. organic agriculture 有機農業

6. agricultural land 農業土地

7. agricultural products 農產品

8. agricultural technology 農業技術


1. The economic development of many countries is closely related to the development of agriculture. 許多國家的經濟發展與農業的發展密切相關。

2. Organic agriculture is a farming system that relies on natural inputs and processes, rather than synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers. 有機農業是壹種依靠自然輸入和過程而非合成輸入(如農藥和化肥)的耕種系統。

3. Precision agriculture allows farmers to optimize crop yields and reduce waste by using data and technology to tailor their farming practices to the unique needs of each field. 精準農業可以幫助農民通過使用數據和技術將農業實踐量身定制到每個田地的獨特需求,從而優化農作物產量並減少浪費。