古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - punk是什麽意思



1、褻瀆(某種東西): 在某些語境下,“Punk”被用來表示褻瀆或破壞某種東西的行為或態度。

例如:玩具小子樂隊的歌曲《You Give Love a Bad Name》中就有“Shot through the heart, And you're to blame, You give love a bad name, I play my part, And you play your game, You give love a bad name”這樣的歌詞。





1、He looks like a punk with his spiky hair and studded leather jacket.(他打扮得很像壹個龐克,頭發豎起來,穿著鑲著尖釘的皮夾克。)

2、The punks in the crowd started to mosh wildly as the band began to play their first song.(當樂隊開始演奏他們的第壹首歌時,人群中的龐克們開始瘋狂的搖頭晃腦。)

3、She's not interested in dressing like a punk or following any other fashion trend.(她對穿裝扮得像龐克或追隨其他流行趨勢不感興趣。)

4、The teenagers were caught punking their teacher by putting a "Kick Me" sign on his back.(青少年在老師背後貼上了“踢我”標誌,以惡作劇的方式捉弄他們的老師。)

5、He's always had a punk attitude towards authority, he doesn't like being told what to do.(他壹直對權威持有不合時宜的態度,不喜歡被人指使。)