冬裝的英文是:snowsuit; winter dress [clothes]
壹、短語:穿上了冬裝lati benny;過冬裝置winterized unit:春天裏換下冬裝discard one's winter clothes in spring;
在去年穿過的冬裝外套裏找到20元鈔票finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter
1、It was true, my room has cast its austere winter garments.的確,我的房間已經換掉了它樸素的冬裝。
2、Beautiful winter clothes games - 4455 miniclip games.靚麗冬裝小遊戲- 4399小遊戲。
3、2 all of their winter apparel is on sale now.他們現在的冬裝都在打折。?
4、The only black clothes i have are winter clothes.我唯壹的黑衣服是冬裝。
5、The lastest winter fashions are now on view in the big shops.最新的冬裝款式現在正在大商店中陳列著。?
6、Now that the warmer weather has come we can cast off our winter clothing.既然天氣已經暖和,我們就可以脫下冬裝了。
7、Beautiful winter clothes games.靚麗冬裝小遊戲。
8、The shop decided to clear off the winter clothes when the new summer fashions arrived.當新的夏季時裝到貨以後,該店決定降價出售冬裝。?
9、To make space in the bedroom , she put away her winter clothes in the upstairs bedroom.為了在臥室裏騰出地方來,她把她的冬裝全收起來放在樓上那間臥室裏了。?
10、I ' m trying to put some extra money down on the heat bill . plus , the kids need new winter coats.我正準備把多餘的錢付供暖費呢,另外,孩子們也需要壹些新冬裝了。