health insurance 疾病保險,健康保險
sickness insurance 疾病保險
insurance for medical care 醫療保險
"major medical" insurance policy 巨額醫藥費保險
insurance during a period of illness 疾病保險
life insurance 人壽保險
endowment insurance 養老保險
insurance on last survivor 長壽保險
to purchase health insurance 購買健康保險
to have a health insurance policy 購買健康保險
Additional Words and Phrases
policy-holder 保險客戶
extra premium 額外保險費
additional premium 附加保險費
insurance law 保險法
insurance act 保險條例
insurance industry? 保險業
insurance division 保險部
insurance treaty 保險合同
cover note 保險證明書
guarantee of insurance 保險擔保書
premium rebate 保險費回扣
insurance claim 保險索賠
ceding, retrocession(for reinsurance) 分保
reinsurance 分保(再保險)
ceding(insurance)company 分保公司
co-insurance company ***同保險公司
insurance document 保險單據
certificate of insurance 保險憑證
increasing coverage, extending coverage 加保
renewing coverage 續保
insurance commission 保險傭金
social insurance 社會保險
personal property insurance 個人財產保險
insurance of contents 家庭財產保險