古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 淩辱英文



1、辱罵;損害n.侮辱;淩辱;無禮把壹個勇敢的人稱作懦夫是壹種侮辱。insult To call a brave man a coward is an insult.?

2、壹名女孩因不堪忍受淩辱而上吊身亡,還記得嗎,我們幾周前曾經講過Phoebe Prince的事。A girl who hanged herself allegedly because of bullies, remember talking about Phoebe Prince in that story for weeks.?

3、他闖進壹個落後、原始的星球。猿類主宰萬物,人類則被視為動物和奴隸飽受淩辱。He crashes on a backward, primal planet where apes rule and humans are reviled as animals and slaves.?

4、對於許多醫學院學生來說,言語和肉體上的淩辱也是這令人精疲力竭的旅程中的壹部分。For many medical students, verbal and physical harassment and intimidation are part of the exhausting process, too.?

5、第壹批調查結果顯示,高達85%的學生認為在第三學年中遭受過淩辱。The first surveys found that as many as 85 percent of students felt they had been abused during their third year.?

6、事實上,全美醫學教育調查中,也涉及了有關淩辱學生的問題,結果顯示,情況差不多是天下烏鴉壹般黑。In fact, national medical education surveys that include questions about mistreatment indicate that the environment at that school is about average.?

7、諾厄決定要把以往所受的淩辱都轉送給奧利弗,讓這新來的男孩沒有好日子過。Noah intended to repay to Oliver every insult he had ever received, and to make the new boy" s life a misery.?