古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - ultimate什麽意思





1、The Idea of Beauty and?Ultimate?Value——The Aesthetic Axiology of Plato. 美的理念與終極價值——柏拉圖的美學價值論

2、Its chances of joining the euro-the?ultimate?prize for Latvian policymakers-would surely fall. 加入歐元是拉脫維亞決策者日夜憧憬的終極目標,而如今這種機會無疑會落空。

3、On February 11, I witnessed the?ultimate?testimonial to the power of perseverance. 2月11日,我見證了壹個對持之以恒的力量的最佳證明。

4、Achieving work life balance is the?ultimate?question for working moms. 如何找到工作與生活中得到平衡是每個工作的媽媽要面臨的根本問題。

5、More... the high fliers with the?ultimate?status symbol - wives they can afford to keep at home. 此外,有身份的象征是什麽呢? - - -他們可以讓妻子在家做家庭主婦。

6、" Let us be the?ultimate?Oedipal figures," they declare. 她們宣稱:“讓我們成為絕頂的俄狄浦斯式人物。”

7、"It's the?ultimate?nightmare," a retail executive from a well-known chain admitted to TIME. 壹家知名連鎖店的零售主管向《時代周刊》坦言:“這是壹場終極噩夢。”

8、The?ultimate?word is I LIKE. 最後壹個解釋是「我喜歡」。

9、What I had as the irreducible residue was the feeling that I had made my?ultimate?gift to her. 最後剩下來的是,我感覺我對她做出終極的贈與。

10、A applicable to the?ultimate?personal computer audio enhancement software. 壹款適用於個人計算機的終極音頻增強軟件。