古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 折疊英語怎麽讀



1、collapse:v. 倒坍;崩潰;倒下;暴跌、n. 崩潰;暴跌。

2、fold:v. 折疊,對折;交疊;包;失敗,垮臺,關閉、n. 褶痕;褶皺;羊圈。


1、Does this chair fold?這把椅子可以折疊嗎?

2、The tertiary structure refers to the way the protein is bent and folded back on itself in space.三級結構指的是蛋白質自身的彎曲和折疊的方式。

3、Smashing: A bindery process used to compress air out of the folded sheets. See Nipping.壓平:裝訂工序之壹。它把折疊後,紙頁間的空氣壓出。

4、A printed,usually folded handbill or flier intended for free distribution.散頁印刷品免費散發印刷好的通常是折疊的傳單或宣傳物

5、yeast-raised dinner roll made by folding a disk of dough before baking.酵母發酵的正餐面包卷,烘焙前先把生面餅折疊起來。

6、A fold in cloth made by doubling the material upon itself and then pressing or stitching it into place.褶皺衣服上的褶,通過將衣服的材料對折疊,然後在衣料上再壓緊或縫在壹起而制成。

7、Gatefold: Also called Fold-out, Thrown-out.對門折:折疊插頁。

8、Fold or unfold this outline.折疊或展開此概要.

9、Paper folds more easily than cardboard.紙比紙板更易折疊。

10、Folding and cutting darts.折疊和裁剪省道。