古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 《夏洛的網》英文版精讀訓練(25)




When the children grew tired of swinging, they went down toward the pasture and picked wild raspberries and ate them. Their tongues turned from purple to red. Fern bit into a raspberry that had a bad-tasting bug inside it, and got discouraged. Avery found an empty candy box and put his frog in it. The frog seemed tired after his morning in the swing. The children walked slowly up toward the barn. They, too, were tired and hardly had energy enough to walk.

這段文字生動描寫了兩個孩子悠閑美好的童年時光,我非常喜歡。如果可以,盡力嘗試去背誦和默寫。(背誦或默寫的時候,用總時間的三分之壹閱讀,用三分之二的時間背誦或默寫,然後在對照原文改錯。眼睛盯著文字閱讀要比背誦或默寫輕松很多,但記憶效果遠不如嘗試背誦或默寫,也就是說壹分耕耘,壹分收獲。花費力氣越多,得到的效果也就越好。付出和獲得有對稱性。具體原因參考 How We Learn by Benedict Carey, 壹本關於學習方法的書,科學嚴謹,推薦!)


1.When the children grew tired of swinging, they went down toward the pasture and picked wild raspberries and ate them. (孩子們逐漸厭倦了蕩秋千,他們就慢慢走向牧場,並且壹路上采摘覆盆子吃。)

這個句子是個主從句,主句是they went down toward the pasture and? picked ?wild raspberries and ate them,從句是When the children? grew tired of ?swinging。具體說,這個從句是個時間狀語從句,具體名稱妳可以不必太理會,只需要知道“When the children? grew tired of ?swinging”在句子中的作用是提供主句內容發生的時間。也就是說當孩子們玩膩了蕩秋千的時候,他們就去采摘果子吃了。

grow: 動詞,最常見的意思是種植或者生長。在本文中意思是“逐漸變得”(to change and become different quite slowly),grow tired of :逐漸厭倦。

朗文例句:Donna has grown tired of being a model.?

2. Fern bit into a raspberry that had a bad-tasting bug inside it, and got discouraged .(Fern咬了壹顆覆盆子,裏面有壹只難吃的甲蟲,大倒胃口。)

bad-tasting: 難吃的


discouraged: 灰心的,喪氣的 (no longer having the confidence you need to continue doing something)沒有足夠的信心去做現在正在做的事情的狀態。Fern吃了有甲蟲的覆盆子後就不會在想吃下壹顆了。

3. They, too, were tired and hardly had energy enough to walk.(他們也累了,走不動了。)

hardly had energy enough to do something: 沒有力氣做某事,估計每個人都或多或少體會過這種感覺吧

4. Wilbur's heart almost stopped when he saw what was going on.(Wilbur 壹見這情景,嚇得心都要停止跳動了。)

heart almost stopped: 心臟都快要停止跳動,用於極度恐懼的時候。

5.?"Leave it alone!" commanded Fern. "You've got a frog---isn't that enough?" (“別動它,Avery!” Fern 大叫。“妳 已經 有壹只青蛙了,還不夠嗎?”)

壹個問題:為什麽這裏“You've got a frog”要用現在完成時呢?

我們可以從語言功能的角度來解釋。現在完成時的壹個功能是提供理由,這裏Fern命令哥哥Avery快住手的理由就是他 已經 有壹只青蛙了,就應該滿足了,所以用了現在完成時。


1. When the children? grew tired of ?swinging, they went down toward the pasture and? picked ?wild raspberries and ate them.

做個句子:When I grew tired of writing, I went to the gym.

妳也來試試,用上grow tired of?

2. Fern bit into a raspberry that had a? bad-tasting ?bug inside it, and got? discouraged .

我做個句子試試:I bit into an apple that had a bad-tasting worm inside it, and got discouraged.

妳也來試試: 用上bad-tasting, discouraged

3. They, too, were tired and? hardly had energy enough ?to walk

我先來: I were tired and hardly had energy enough to read.


4. Wilbur's? heart almost stopped ?when he saw what was going on.

An interesting sentence from my son: My heart almost stopped when my teacher came into the classroom with the exam results. ?hahahahahaha

When the children grew tired of swinging, they went down toward the pasture and picked wild raspberries and ate them. Their tongues turned from purple to red. Fern bit into a raspberry that had a bad-tasting bug inside it, and got discouraged. Avery found an empty candy box and put his frog in it. The frog seemed tired after his morning in the swing. The children walked slowly up toward the barn. They, too, were tired and hardly had energy enough to walk.

"Let's build a tree house," suggested Avery. "I want to live in a tree, with my frog."

"I'm going to visit Wilbur," Fern announced.

They climbed the fence into the lane and walked lazily toward the pigpen. Wilbur heard them coming and got up.

Avery noticed the spider web, and , coming closer, he saw Charlotte.

"Hey, look at that big spider!" he said. "It's tremenjus."

"Leave it alone!" commanded Fern. "You've got a frog---isn't that enough?"

"That's a fine spider and I'm going to capture it," said Avery. He took the cover off the candy box. Then he picked up a stick. "I'm going to knock that spider into this box," he said.

Wilbur's heart almost stopped when he saw what was going on. This might be the end of Charlotte if the boy succeeded in catching her.

"You stop it, Avery!" cried Fern.