1 英英釋義:the usual or normal situation, way of doing sth
例句:In China marrying young is no longer the social norm.?
2. 體會這個詞 (進階篇)
我們很熟悉“normal”,不過它的名詞形式“norm”也很常見。“norm”是名詞,意思是“常態” “規範” “標準”,在有的語境下還可以翻譯為“見怪不怪” “稀松平常”。
“norm” 可以用單數,可以用復數,作單數時壹般會用“the norm”,常用作“be/become the norm”。比如,在很多國家私生子正在變得稀松平常,就可以說:Births out of wedlock are becoming the? norm ?in many countries.
母語非英語國家的國際學校壹直都是雙語教育,就可以這麽說:Bilingual education remains the? norm ?in international schools throughout non-English-speaking countries.
男性應該比女性收入高這壹情況基本沒變,就可以說:The social? norm “men should earn more than their wives” remains unchanged.
《經濟學人》壹篇關於虛擬現實和遊戲的文章裏有這麽壹句:Immersive, 360-degree experiences, complete with touch and temperature sensations, should become the? norm .這句話的意思是:“配有觸覺和溫度感應的浸入式 360° 體驗應該成為標配。” 就是說在未來,遊戲應該是這個樣子的。句子中的這些功能都是和之前的遊戲相比而言的,因此句尾的“become the norm”還可以說“become the new norm”,即“成為新常態”。
最後需要註意:“normal”還有壹個派生詞名詞“normality,它和“norm”壹樣都是名詞,但意思有區別。“normality”的意思是正常的狀態,比如印尼發生地震後,壹種常態都被打破了,因此就有了生活秩序恢復正常(go back to normality)的說法;而“norm”的意思是長期形成的壹種規範,它和“exception”(“例外”)相對。
If you say a situation is the norm, you mean that it is usual and expected. The norm: an average level of development
or achievement. 雙重意思:普遍、不新鮮或常規水準
//above /over /below the norm高於或低於標準
//deviate from /depart from /conform to the norm 守不守規矩
She? scored? well above/below the norm in math.
Students who? fall below the norm should be encouraged to improve.
One child per family is fast becoming the norm in some countries.
Women used to stay at home to take care of the children, but that’s no longer the norm.
In inner-city areas, poverty is the norm rather than the exception.
//families with two wage-earners 雙職工家庭
And it is still the norm today. 口語:這種規範到今天也沒變(今天也還壹樣)
Be nice, follow the cultural norms of the place. 口語:入鄉隨俗
標準組:the norm, the average, standard, normal
常規和例外:the norm, the exception