古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 喜歡壹個人卻不敢接近,這是為什麽?


如果這個現象說的就是妳,那麽妳的這種 依戀類型 (attachment style)在心理學上被稱為 害怕逃避型 (Fearful avoidant),Individuals with a fearful avoidant attachment style desire close relationships, but feel unfortable relying on others and fear being let down. Fearful avoidant is one of four key styles of attachment proposed by psychologist John Bowlby, who developed attachment theory.?,害怕逃避型依戀的人渴望親密的關系,但又會因為依賴別人而感到不舒服,並且害怕希望落空。害怕逃避型是心理學家約翰·鮑比提出的4種主要依戀類型之壹。約翰·鮑比正是建立了依戀理論的那個人。,根據依戀理論,每個人嬰兒時期和父母的關系,讓他們在成長過程中會對別人產生不同的默認期待,總***有4種:, 第壹種:安全型依戀 , Secure ,Individuals with a secure attachment style feel fortable trusting others. They see themselves as worthy of love and support and are confident that others will support them if they need help.,安全型依戀的人可以很自然地信任別人。他們覺得自己是值得愛、值得幫助的人,並且他們相信在自己需要幫助的時候會有人來支持自己。, 第二種:焦慮型依戀 , Anxious ,Anxiously attached individuals want to rely on others, but worry that others won't support them in the way that they want. Anxiously attached individuals typically have positive evaluations of other people but tend to doubt their self-worth, which causes them to seek out the support of others but also worry about whether their feelings for others will be reciprocated.,焦慮型依戀的人想要依靠別人,但是擔心別人並不會像他們想象的壹樣支持他們。這壹型的人通常都會對別人做出正面的評估,但是卻會懷疑自身的價值,這讓他們壹方面會去尋求別人的幫助,但另壹方面又再擔心別人對他們的感受是否和他們對別人的感受壹樣。, 第三種:逃避型依戀 , Avoidant ,Avoidant individuals tend to limit the closeness of their relationships and feel unfortable relying on other people. Avoidant individuals typically have positive views of themselves but believe that other people can't be counted on. Consequently, avoidant individuals tend to remain independent and often try to avoid any form of dependence.,逃避型依戀的人通常會克制自己的親密關系,並且在依賴別人的時候會感到不舒服。逃避型依戀的人通常對自己都持正面觀點,但是覺得別人靠不住。其結果就是,逃避型依戀的人都傾向於保持獨立,並且會避免任何形式的依賴。, 第四種:害怕逃避型 , Fearful Avoidant ,Individuals with a fearful avoidant attachment style have characteristics of both anxious and avoidant individuals. They tend to have negative views of both themselves and others, feel unworthy of support, and anticipate that others will not support them. As a result, they feel unfortable relying on others despite a desire for close relationships.,害怕逃避型依戀的人兼具焦慮型和逃避型的特點。他們對自身和別人都傾向於做出負面的評價,他們覺得自己不值得被幫助,也覺得其他人的確不會幫助自己。所以,雖然他們希望得到親密的關系,但卻在依賴別人的時候感到不舒服。,值得壹提的是,大部分人並不是完美地符合其中的壹個型,後續的研究發現,這些依戀類型其實是線性變化的。,但總體來說,的確是這麽4種傾向。,而好消息是,研究也發現這些傾向並不是終身不變的,後3種型的人如果和安全型依戀的人建立起親密的關系(比如戀愛),是能夠從他們的這種性格獲益的。,也就是說,多和安全型依戀的人交往,妳也會越來越容易和別人相處。,OK,來講講今天的詞? Rely ,它的意思是“依賴”,與?on?連用:rely on *** ./sth.,那麽,我們來造個句子吧~,These days we rely heavily on puters to anize our work.,現在,我們在很大程度上依賴電腦來安排我們的工作。