枝狀大吊燈 chandeliers
吊燈 pendant lamp / light
半吊燈 half pendant lamp / light
臺燈 table lamp / light
壁燈 wall lamp / light
落地燈 floor lamp / light
吸頂燈 ceiling lamp / light
水晶燈 crystal lamp / light
木燈 wooden lamp / light
宮燈 palace lamp / light
仿水晶燈 imitated crystal lamp / light
低壓燈 low voltage lamp / light
工藝燈 artificial lamp / light
石藝燈 marble lamp / light
羊皮燈 parchment lamp / light
鏡前燈 mirror front lamp / light
鏡畫燈 picture lamp / light
吊線燈 track / line lamp / light
格柵燈 grille lamp / light
水珠燈 water pearl lamp / light
導軌燈 track lamp / light
柱燈 pillar lamp / light
蒂凡尼燈 tiffany lamp / light
風水燈 water fountain lamp / light
戶外燈 outdoor lamp / light
路燈 street lamp / light
筒燈 down lamp / light
投光射燈 spot lamp / light
庭院燈 garden lamp / light
草坪燈 lawn lamp / light
草地燈 lawn lamp / light
防水燈 water proof lamp / Under water lamp
柱頭燈 water jet lamp / light
水底燈 underwater lamp / light
戶外壁燈 outdoor wall lamp / light
組合燈 assembled lamp / light
太陽能燈 solar lamp / light
彩燈 holiday lamp / light
彩虹燈 rainbow lamp / light
煙花燈 firework lamp / light
室內燈 residential lamp/light
樹狀大吊燈 chandeliers
吊燈 pendant lamp/light
半吊燈 half pendant lamp/light
臺燈 table lamp/light
壁燈 wall lamp/light
落地燈 floor lamp/light
吸頂燈 ceiling lamp/light
水晶燈 crystal lamp/light
木燈 wooden lamp/light
仿水晶燈imitated crystal lamp/light
低壓燈 low voltage lamp/light
工藝燈 artificial lamp/light
石藝燈 marble lamp/light
羊皮燈 parchment lamp/light
鏡前燈 mirror front lamp/light
鏡畫燈 picture lamp/light
吊線燈 track/line lamp/light
格柵燈 grille lamp/light
水珠燈 water pearl lamp/light
導軌燈 track lamp/light
柱燈 pillar lamp/light
蒂凡尼燈tiffany lamp/light
風水燈 water fountain lamp/light
戶外燈 outdoor lamp/light
路燈 street lamp/light
筒燈 down lamp/light
投光射燈spot lamp/light
庭院燈 garden lamp/light
草坪燈 lawn lamp/light
草地燈 lawn lamp/light
防水燈 water proof lamp/under water lamp
柱頭燈 water jet lamp/light
水底燈 underwater lamp/light
戶外壁燈outdoor wall lamp/light
組合燈 assembled lamp/light
太陽能燈solar lamp/lamp
彩燈 holiday lamp/light
彩虹燈 rainbow lamp/light
煙花燈 firework lamp/light
節日燈 holiday lamp/light
聖誕燈 Christmas lamp/light
椰樹燈 coconut lamp/light
鹵素燈 Halide lamps/Halogen lamps
白熾燈泡incandescent light bulbs
組合開關integral switch
舞臺燈 stage lamp
應急燈 emergecy lamp/light
嵌燈/嵌入燈/埋地燈 recessed light/lamp
車燈 car lamp
車頭燈 head lamp
投光燈 spot light/lamp
走線燈 light linear
泛光燈 flood light/lamp
景觀燈 landscape light/lamp
電子感應燈electronic senor light/lamp
滅蚊燈 mosquito killer lamp
光源 light
燈泡 bulb
節能燈 energy saving lamp
節能燈(緊湊型熒光燈)Compact Fluorescent Lamp
熒光燈 fluorescent light/lamp
熒光燈支架fluorescent light fixtures
電筒 flashlight/torch light/lamp
燈杯 lamp cup
金鹵燈 metal halide/halogen lamp
溴鎢燈 Bromine tungsten lamp
汞燈 mercury
鈉燈 Sodium lamp
鹵鎢燈 Halogen tungsten lamp
碘鎢燈 iodine tunsten lamp
氖燈/霓虹燈neon lamp
石英燈 quartz lamp
倍爾諾照明Banner lighting company
鹵素燈 halogen lamp
燈飾配件light fittings
燈罩 lamp shade
燈頭/燈座lamp holder
燈頭/燈座lamp base
燈盤 lamp house
壓克力配件acrylic fitting
塑膠配件plastic fitting
陶瓷配件ceramic fitting
五金配件hardware fitting
玻璃配件glass fitting
熒光燈fluoescent light/lamp
節能燈Compact Fluorescent lamp(2u 3u 4u)
熒光燈支架Fluorescent Light and Fixtures
節能燈 Energy saving lamp
電子鎮流器Electronic Ballasts
壓鑄件dis-casting fitting
電線electric wire/power cored
電感鎮流器Inductive/magnetic ballast
熒光燈管Linear fluorescent light tube
三基色稀土熒光粉tri-phosphor Fluorescent Powder
三基色燈管tri-phosphor tube light
三基色發光二極管tri-phosphor LEDS
偽彩色LED顯示屏pseudo-color LED panel
全彩色LED顯示屏all-color LED panel
光及輻射Light and radiation
光通量Luminous flux
光強度Luminous intensityI
照度 IlluminanceE
色溫Color Temperature
光色Light color
演色性Color rendering
平均演色性指數general color rendering index(ra)
燈具效率Luminaire effiency
不可見光Invisible Light
白熾燈泡Incandescent bulb
氣體放電燈Gas discharge lamp
煙花燈 firework lamp / light
節日燈 holiday lamp / light
聖誕燈 Christmas lamp / light
椰樹燈 coconut lamp / light
鹵素燈 Halide Lamps / Halogen Lamps
白熾燈泡 incandescent light bulbs
組合開關 integral switch
專業照明 illumination
舞臺燈 stage lamp
應急燈 emergency lamp / light
嵌燈/嵌入燈/埋地燈 recessed light / lamp
車燈 car lamp
車頭燈 head lamp
孫光輝 Jacky Sun
投光燈 spot light / lamp
走線燈 light linear
泛光燈 flood light / lamp
景觀燈 landscape light / lamp
電子感應燈 electronic senor light / lamp
滅蚊燈 mosquito killer lamp
光源 light
燈泡 bulb
節能燈 energy saving lamp
孫光輝 Jacky Sun
節能燈(緊湊型熒光燈) Compact Fluorescent Lamp
熒光燈 fluorescent light /lamp
熒光燈支架 fluorescent light fixtures
電筒 flashlight/torch light / lamp
燈杯 lamp cup
金鹵燈 metal halide/halogen lamp
溴鎢燈 Bromine tungsten lamp
汞燈 mercury lamp
鈉燈 Sodium lamp
鹵鎢燈 Halogen tungsten lamp
碘鎢燈 iodine tungsten lamp
氖燈/霓虹燈 neon lamp
孫光輝翻譯 Translated by Jacky Sun
石英燈 quartz lamp
倍爾諾照明 Banner lighting company
鹵素燈 halogen lamp
燈飾配件 light fittings
燈罩 lamp shade
燈頭/燈座 lamp holder
燈頭/燈座 lamp base
燈盤 lamp house
壓克力配件 acrylic fitting
塑膠配件 plastic fitting