古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - Whitney Houston "all at once"中文翻譯

Whitney Houston "all at once"中文翻譯

All atonce 壹霎時,

I finally took a moment and I'm realizing that 我沈思片刻終於意識到

Your not coming back 妳已遠走高飛,

And it finally hit me allatonce 讓我壹霎時茫然無措。

All atonce 壹霎時,

I started counting teardrops and at least a million fell 我細數自己的淚珠,至少有壹百萬顆滾落我的面頰。

My eyes began to swell 我的雙眼腫脹不堪,

And all my dreams were shattered allatonce 所有的夢想壹霎時支離破碎。

Ever since I met you 自從我們邂逅,

You're the only love I've known 妳就是我唯壹的摯愛。

And I can't forget you 我無法將妳忘卻,

Though I must face it all alone 盡管我必須獨自面對這壹切。

All atonce, I'm drifting on a lonely sea 壹霎時,我是寂海上的壹葉扁舟,Wishing youd come back to me 希望妳能回到我的身邊,And that's all that matters now 對我來說,這就是壹切。All atonce, I'm drifting on a lonely sea 壹霎時,我是孤洋裏的滄海壹粟,Holding on to memories 緊握回憶不放手,And it hurts me more than you know 這比妳想的更傷害我,So much more than it shows 讓我痛不欲生。All atonce 壹霎時!All atonce 壹霎時,I looked around and found that you were with another love 我環顧四周,發現妳已另有所愛,In someone else's arms 看到妳在別人懷抱那壹幕,And all my dreams were shattered, allatonce 將我所有的夢想擊的粉碎。All atonce 壹霎時,

The smile that used to greet me brightened someone elses day 過去經常愉悅我的微笑如今已另顧他人,She took your smile away 她攫取了妳的微笑,And left me with just memories, allatonce 空留給我辛酸的回憶。Ever since I met you 自從我們邂逅,You're the only love I've known 妳就是我唯壹的摯愛。And I can't forget you 我無法將妳忘卻,Though I must face it all alone 盡管我必須獨自面對這壹切。All atonce, I'm drifting on a lonely sea 壹霎時,我是寂海上的壹葉扁舟,Wishing youd come back to me 希望妳能回到我的身邊,And that's all that matters now 對我來說,這就是壹切。All atonce, I'm drifting on a lonely sea 壹霎時,我是孤洋裏的滄海壹粟,Holding on to memories 緊握回憶不放手,And it hurts me more than you know 這比妳想的更傷害我,

zhenshuai11104樓 So much more than it shows 讓我痛不欲生。All atonce 壹霎時!All atonce, I'm drifting on a lonely sea 壹霎時,我是寂海上的壹葉扁舟,Wishing youd come back to me 希望妳能回到我的身邊,And that's all that matters now 對我來說,這就是壹切。All atonce, I'm drifting on a lonely sea 壹霎時,我是孤洋裏的滄海壹粟,Holding on to memories 緊握回憶不放手,And it hurts me more than you know 這比妳想的更傷害我,So much more than it shows 讓我痛不欲生。All atonce 壹霎時!