something that(有情況)
I was patrolling a Pachinko(我正在敲擊著柏青哥—日本壹種賭博遊戲)
Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone(像傻瓜壹樣赤裸裸的暴露在這危險的區域)
Hanging out with insects under ducting(被卑鄙的人出賣(算計)—下水道裏的蟲子引申為卑鄙的人)
The C.I.A was on the phone( C.I.A竊聽著電話)
Well, such is life (哎,這就是生活)
Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)
The flower looks good in your hair (妳頭上的花兒看起來好美,引申為帶著花的妳明艷動人)。
Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)
Nobody said it was fair, oh (卻沒人註意過它,噢。註:女主角是壹個優秀的殺手,大家只知道它冷血的壹面,卻不知道她有美麗動人的壹面。“卻沒人註意過它”實際引申的是壹種美,脫離了殺手生活加勒比女人的美)
Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)
The flower looks good in your hair(妳頭上的花兒看起來好美)
Latino caribo, mondo bongo (拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)
Nobody said it was fair (卻沒人註意過它)
Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)
The flower looks good in your hair(妳頭上的花兒看起來好美)
Latino caribo, mondo bongo (拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)
Nobody said it was fair (卻沒人註意過它)
For the Zapatistas I'll rob my sisters )Of all the curtain and lace (為了薩帕塔主義理想,我能夠搶奪我的姐妹僅有的窗簾和蕾斯花邊引申為六親不認)——Zapatistas 墨西哥南部的恰帕斯州,壹些反政府武裝者的名稱。
Down at the bauxite mine (深入礦坑,引申為探尋真相)註:影片壹直描寫主教們探尋真相的過程
You get your own uniform (穿上妳自己的制服,引申為妳將獲得新生)
Have lunchtimes off(午飯時間時間已經過去,引申為沒有時間了或者迫在眉睫,就差壹步等意思)
Take a monorail to your home(建造壹條單軌鐵路回家,引申為殺出壹條血路)
Checkmate, baby(拼了,寶貝兒)
God bless us and our home (願上帝保佑我們和家園)
Where ever we roam(不管我們流落到何方)
Now take us home, flaquito(讓我們回家吧,基多)
Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)
The flower looks good in your hair(妳頭上的花兒看起來好美)
Latino caribo, mondo bongo (拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)
Nobody said it was fair (卻沒人註意過它)
Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)
The flower looks good in your hair(妳頭上的花兒看起來好美)
Latino caribo, mondo bongo (拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)
Nobody said it was fair (卻沒人註意過它)