古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - Living Universe 的中文歌詞。。。

Living Universe 的中文歌詞。。。

Wish upon a star hope to be again對星星祝願,希望再次成為

the one you find when all is done and through...那在壹切終結之後妳所尋找之人。。。

Living Universe

歌:不明 作曲:小林秀聡 作詞/編曲:不明



If all made a wish to save this star would it be in vain?如果所有的人許下拯救這星球的願望,這願望是否會破滅?

So much it holds, too dear to part may ways see the light of answers它承載如此之多,珍貴到足以打開目睹結局的光芒的道路。

For all was, once, just taken away that one hope, all disappeared對所有之人獨壹無二,如果奪去這希望,壹切即消弭無蹤。

So, none can break, nor brittle my heart所以,我的心靈無人可破,亦無法破碎。

No, never again, until the end...不,再也不會,即使到壹切終結

Phantasy stars in universe, they shine on,宇宙中的夢幻之星,光芒輝耀

unravel the dark to light the world, they shine on斬碎黑暗以照耀世界,光芒為此輝耀

For all of the hearts who gave their all為了所有無私奉獻的心靈

know that it shines because of you, they shine on那光芒為妳而閃耀

Phantasy stars in universe, they light up宇宙中的夢幻之星,光芒輝耀

shooting to bright the wishes true, they light up飛射耀眼,心願成真,光芒為此輝耀

Many a star in universe宇宙星光閃爍

but it’s only the one wish you, that I can see但是只有那祝福妳的壹顆,在我的眸中。


Times have a way to stray, away to swoon what is sane時間有漂流之法,以迷亂光明之物

There is much to save, if love has a part愛若為其中之壹,即有許多值得拯救

if to be, a flower, I’ll be即使化為花朵我亦無悔

When all had gone, it had seemed as end當壹切已經結束,看似已經終結

but somehow you reappeared但妳卻再次出現

When nothing breathes a hope of a chance在那希望破滅之時

still, even then, until the end...壹直如此,從未改變,直到終結。。。

Phantasy stars in universe, they shine on宇宙中的夢幻之星,光芒輝耀

filling the sky with light afloat, they shine on以光輝灑滿天空,光芒為此輝耀

Many a fray to keep aglow混亂如此激烈

only to stand against it all, they shine on為對抗這壹切,光芒綻放

Phantasy stars in universe, they light up宇宙中的夢幻之星,光芒輝耀

fighting to shine in eyes of you, they light up盡力照亮妳的雙眸,光芒為此輝耀

Many a star in universe宇宙星光閃爍

still, if ever we are apart, you will find me依然,如果我們分離,妳會找到我


For all was, once, taken away那對所有之人獨壹無二之物,如果奪去

all had disappeared壹切即消弭無蹤。

without the hope I hold如果失去心中的希望

I’m nothing to be我壹無是處

made fable in sorrow悲劇將統治傳說

When all had gone, I had seen the end當壹切結束,我已目睹終結

you somehow reappeared妳再次閃現

without a heart, we’re nothing at all沒有心靈,我們便成為虛無

so make it love to save us all所以讓愛來拯救我們


Phantasy stars in universe, they shine on宇宙中的夢幻之星,光芒輝耀

unravel the dark to light the world, they shine on斬碎黑暗以照耀世界,光芒為此輝耀

For all of the hearts who gave their all為了所有無私奉獻的心靈

know that it shines because of you, they shine on那光芒為妳而閃耀

Phantasy stars in universe, they light up宇宙中的夢幻之星,光芒輝耀

shooting to bright the wishes true, they light up飛射耀眼,心願成真,光芒為此輝耀

Many a star in universe宇宙星光閃爍

still, we’ll never be worlds apart我們不再遙遠相隔

Phantasy stars in universe宇宙中的夢幻之星

It’s always the one with you, that I ever see我凝視與妳為伴的那壹顆。