古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 減輕的英語


減輕的英文是relieve、alleviate、ease、lighten、mitigate 。這五個詞是常用詞,用於表示 “減輕” 疼痛、痛苦、負擔等,或表示 “緩 解” 精神壓力,緊張等。

例句:1、She was given a shot of morphine to relieve the pain.醫生給她註射了壹針嗎啡來止痛。She was relieved to learn of her family’s safety.她聽說家人平安就放心了。

2、The Government acted quickly to relieve the widespread distress caused by the earthquake.地震造成大範圍的災難,政府迅速采取行動賑濟災民。

3、However, at this time of economic downturn, it is our responsibility to help relievethe hardships faced by the community.但是,在目前經濟低迷的情況下,我們有責任幫助紓解民困。

4、The good news relieved us, for we had been very anxious about it.這好消息使我松了壹口氣,因為我們對這件事壹直很著急。