古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 幫忙翻譯以下哦。。謝謝了。急用


Approximately the slum area is being occupied by an Italian, theprofessional murderer which the name calls Lyons. One day, theneighbor wife and children girl 馬蒂爾達 beats open his door,requests temporarily to evade the fatal disaster in his here.Originally, the neighbouring home master is police's informer, onlybecause of embezzled packet narcotics to suffer the wicked police toexterminate entire family the piece to punish. 馬蒂爾達 obtainsLyons to remain rescues, starts to help Lyons the steward and to teachit to be literate, Lyons teaches the girl to cause the gun, two peopleare together harmoniously. The girl tracks the wicked police, rashlyrevenges, on the contrary is grasped. Lyons promptly rushes, retrievesthe girl. They move once more, but the girl or falls hand of thewicked police. Lyons knocks down piece of police, rescues the girlonce more and lets her escape through the ventilating duct, andexhorts her to go to the money which saves him to take out. Lyonsmelts fits out the police to want to mix the encirclement ring, but isseen through by the wicked police. Last the moment, Lyons has fired onthe body bomb... ...