April Fool's Day
-- The funniest day of the Year
Tricks and pranks 惡作劇
* Let's learn some idioms about tricks or pranks
@ Play tricks on sb.
Ex: Andy played a trick on his brother on April Fool's Day.
@ Play a joke on sb.
EX: People like to play jokes on friens on April Fool's Day.
@ Play a prank on sb.
EX: Hey, Joe, today is April Fool's Day. Let's play a prank on Peter.
餵, Joe, 今天是愚人節耶, 我們來整壹下Peter好了.
PS: prank call 惡作劇電話
EX: Someone prank called me at 3:00 a.m. last night.
@ Pull someone's leg 騙人, 開玩笑
EX: Are you pulling my leg? I know it is April Fool's Day today!
妳在騙我哦~ 我知道今天是愚人節啦!
Harmless jokes 無傷大雅的玩笑
@ Point down someone's shoes and say, " Your shoelacs is untied."
指著別人的鞋子說, " 妳沒系鞋帶喔"
@ Put fake poo-poo or fake snake in someone's drawer or bag.
@ Turn Everything Upside Down
@ Take all the toilet paper in the bathroom before your friend uses it.
Mean pranks 整人的惡作劇
@ Set your roommate's clock an hour behind, so your roommate shows up at the wrong
class or not at all.
把妳室友的鬧鐘調晚壹個小時, 這樣妳的室友就會上錯課或完全上不了那堂課
@ Put salt in the sugar bowl for your friend. 把糖換成鹽巴給妳朋友
@Order pizza delivery to your friend's house. 用妳朋友的名義幫他點外送披薩.
Some thing about " Fool" 來學壹學跟fool有關的句子或詞組吧~
@ fool 笨蛋, 傻瓜
EX: You are a fool for leaving me! You will regreat for losing me!
妳離開我, 妳真是個笨蛋啊! 妳壹定會後悔的!
@ fool 愚弄
EX: You can't fool me, I know what are you thinking!
妳耍不了我啦, 我知道妳在想什麼(打什麼鬼主意).
@ fool around 鬼混
EX: Stop fooling around with your bad friends! Stay at home!
別再跟妳那些壞朋友到處鬼混了, 呆在家裏!
@ Make a fool of oneself 讓某人出醜
EX: You will make a fool of yourself by doing that.
OK, guys. There is onething you need to remember:
When someone falls for the joke, remeber to yell" April Fool's Day ".
好啦, 大夥. 有壹件事要記得, 就是
有人被妳整了, 要跟他大喊" 愚人節快樂!" 哦~~ ^o^