We built Avvenu Access 'n Share to be the easiest way to share these photos with family and friends, and the best part is you're already a member.
With Avvenu, there's no time-consuming uploads required, no worrying about email attachments bouncing, and the people you share photos with do not even have to be Avvenu members. They simply click on a link in an email message, and instantly can view your photos.
Login today at and share photos straight from your PC.
If you've forgotten your user name, check your saved email for a message we sent you when you first signed up for your account, or email us at support@avvenu.com if you can't find it.
To make sure your shared photos are available even when your PC turned is off, our optional Anytime Files secure online storage is available for a small monthly fee. Just go to the Anytime Files tab after login to learn more.
請確定妳關機前,妳上傳分享的照片是可用的,我們的Anytime Files(名稱)安全在線存儲是壹直有用的,只要支付壹點月租費用。只要妳在登陸學習壹下後,去Anytime Files壹下。
As always, we welcome your suggestions on improving our service.
Best Regards,
Richard French(人名)
Avvenu CEO
P.S. Avvenu now supports both Windows XP and Windows Vista, so if you've recently upgraded to Vista, download our latest software at /products/download_access.php.
Avvenu, Inc. 410 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306. (不懂)To change your preferences, login to your Avvenu account and click on Information Options in the Manage Account tab.