古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - sunlight什麽意思



sunlight音標是英 [_s_nla_t] 美 [_s_n_la_t] 英譯漢表示的意思有陽光、網絡、日光、太陽光、光,復數為sunlights,短句應用為to be bathed in sunlight 沐浴陽光,in the sunlight 在陽光下,雙語例句1、The colour is fast to sunlight(這種顏色在陽光的照射下不褪色)2、He squinched his eyes at the sunlight(他在陽光下瞇起雙眼)3、Sunlight was beaming through the cracks in the roof(陽光從屋頂的裂縫中射入)4、Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight(古老文明相信新鮮空氣和陽光有治病的功效)5、Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation(陽光由不同波長的輻射組成)。