tempo的意思名詞[樂]速度,拍子; (運動或活動的)速度,進度; (下棋的)壹著,壹步。
tempo 雙語例句:
1. In symmetrical positions, a single tempo can play a decisive role.
2. There are sometimes in many of us too many staccatos or impetuosos, and because the tempo is wrong, the music is not pleasing to the ear; we might have more of the grand rhythm and majestic tempo o the Ganges, flowing slowly and eternally into the sea.
3. It`s crucial we reduce the operational tempo for our armed forces.
4. According to the analysis, the author suggests singers and players how to interpret its tempo, tone colors and dynamics.
5. He turned the loss of star forward Elton Brand into a positive, cranking up the team's tempo and supporting a star-free climate.
他把明星前鋒Elton Brand的缺席轉化為壹種積極向上的動力,提升球隊的速度,使得球隊上下形成了壹股無超級巨星卻不失強隊本色的氛圍。
6. We have to have a tempo and rhythm to the way we play.
7. I think we did well in the first half but the tempo dropped a lot in the second.
8. Another way to use this cheap training tool is to help you learn to develop a faster stroke tempo.
9. It`s a dance song with a quick tempo.
10. Remember, finding a tempo and groove for your state of mind is important -- it's one of the biggest factors of expression.