1、基本釋義:those,英語單詞,主要用作為限定詞、代詞,作限定詞時譯為那些,that 的復數,作代詞時譯為那些that 的復數。
2、單詞用法:DET You use those to refer to people or things which have already been mentioned. 那些 指已提及的人或物。DET You use those when you are referring to people or things that are a distance away from you in position or time, especially when you indicate or point to them. 那些 指在空間或時間上離說話者稍遠的人或物。
3、雙語例句:Those?were?the?best?years?of?my?life. 那些年是我壹生最幸福的時光。Those?children?need?a?firm?hand?to?make?them?behave. 那些孩子得嚴加管教。I've?told?you?time?after?time?not?to?do?that. 我壹再告訴過妳不要幹那件事。