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Expectations Mixed Before Global Summit in London 人們對倫敦20國峰會結果期待不壹 . Written by Tom Rivers 記者:裏弗斯 Just days before world leaders gather in London for a key summit on the global economic crisis, expectations vary widely. 再過幾天世界壹些國家領導人就要聚首英國倫敦,就全球經濟危機舉行重要峰會,人們對這次峰會所抱的期望非常不同。 On the streets of London this weekend, people vented their fears, frustrations and anger at the bankers and the politicians they see as responsible for the economic woes they are feeling in their daily lives. 這個周末,人們在倫敦各條大街上表達他們的擔憂、困惑,發泄他們對銀行家和政界人士的憤怒,他們認為這些銀行家和政界人士應該為他們在日常生活中經受的經濟困難承擔責任。 "We have had depressions," the protestor said. "We have had recessions. It is a boom and bust cycle that we are having and people are starting to get fed up with it." 這位示威者說:“我們經歷過蕭條,我們經歷過衰退。我們現在正經歷的是壹個繁榮和衰退交替的周期,但人們開始厭倦了。” But the big question leading up to the G20 summit is, will there be genuine unity in addressing the world economic crisis? 但是在20國集團峰會開幕之前壹個重要問題是,這次峰會在解決世界經濟危機問題上是否能真正做到同心協力。 British Foreign Secretary David Miliband stressed that nice words alone would not do, but real substance must come out of the meeting. 英國外交大臣米利班德強調,光說得好聽不能解決問題,這次峰會必須拿出實際的東西來。 "This is about trying to tackle an exceptional economic crisis, far beyond the financial system and set in place measures, measures that really do make a difference," Miliband said. 米利班德說:“這次峰會要對付的是壹次非常特殊的經濟危機,而絕不僅僅是金融體制的問題,要拿出壹些措施,壹些確實能帶來變化的措施。” A difference not only now, Miliband says, but also in the long term. 米利班德說,這種變化不僅是眼前的,而且是長遠的。 Interviewed on the BBC, the influential billionaire investor George Soros delivered a somber assessment. He said the summit would represent a "make or break" moment for the world economy. 著名的投資人、億萬富翁索羅斯接受英國廣播公司采訪時對20國集團峰會發表了比較悲觀評語。他說,這次峰會可能預示世界經濟處在壹個“成敗”的關頭。