n. 北方; 北部; (美國南北戰爭時與南方作戰的) 北部各州; 北方發達國家(尤指歐洲和北美各國);
adj. 北部的; 北方的; 朝北的; (風,光線) 來自北方的;
adv. 在北方; 自北地; 向北方;
[例句]In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snow and ice covers the ground
n. 北方; 北部; (美國南北戰爭時與南方作戰的) 北部各州; 北方發達國家(尤指歐洲和北美各國);
adj. 北部的; 北方的; 朝北的; (風,光線) 來自北方的;
adv. 在北方; 自北地; 向北方;
[例句]In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snow and ice covers the ground