1、Ours?is a large house我們的是壹間大房子。
2、L If civilizations like?ours?exist elsewhere, they may be on planets circling other stars.l如果外星空間也存在像我們人類壹樣的文明,它們壹定也是生活在環繞別的恒星運行的某些行星上。
3、This stand of?ours?is beyond reproach.我們的這個立場是無可非議的。
4、I wish I could have shown?ours?to you two weeks earlier.真希望早在兩周前給您看我們的。
5、Jerry: Oh, were meeting a friend of?ours?for lunch. He works here in the building.傑瑞:我們來見以為朋友,壹起吃個飯。他在這裏上班。
6、We were the only family and?ours?were the only children.用餐的只有我們壹家,也沒有別家的孩子。
7、Ours?is an old country.我們的國家是壹個古老的國家。
8、And?ours?was very testable; you just had to give people antibiotics and see if they got better.而我們的假設很好驗證;妳只需要給人們吃抗生素然後看看他們會不會好轉。
9、Ours?is a developing country我們的國家是壹個發展中的國家。